Dr. Susanne Digel
Field of Work
Research Scientist
Mathematics Education (Secondary Education)[Didaktik der Mathematik (Sekundarstufen)]
Institute for Mathematics [Institut für Mathematik]

Functional thinking, experimentation in mathematics education, simulations (Geogebra)
Scientific modeling, competency modeling, Nature of Science
Systems thinking
Professional activity
since Aug 2019 Partial deputation to the University of Koblenz-Landau,
AG Didactics of Mathematics (Secondary Schools)Feb-
Jul 2019Partial deputation to the University of Koblenz-Landau,
WG Physics Didactics and Technology Teachingseit Feb 2019 Studienrätin* of the state RLP for mathematics, physics and computer science at the Integrated Comprehensive School Georg Friedrich Kolb Speyer. Aug 2015- Jan 2019 Research assistant in the DFG Research Training Group Teaching Processes, University of Koblenz-Landau (dissertation in the field of physics didactics). Feb 2012-
Jul 2015Studienrätin* for mathematics and physics at Beethoven Gymnasium Berlin.
(Jul 2014 to Jul 2015: maternity leave and parental leave)Feb 2010- Jan 2012 Student teacher at the 1st Studienseminar in Steglitz-Zehlendorf,
Second state examination for the teaching profession at grammar schoolsMrz 2008-
Feb 2009Softwareconsultant SiProM GmbH for Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
(Oct 2008 to Jan 2010: maternity leave and parental leave)Aug-
Okt 2005Research stay Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America Inc.
Palo Alto, USANov 2002-
Okt 2007research stay Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America Inc.
Palo Alto, USAOkt 2001-
Okt 2002Development Engineer DaimlerChrysler AG Sindelfingen
Passenger car telematics servicesJul 1998-
Sep 2001Vocational academy student DaimlerChryslerAG Wörth plant
Technical internships, engineering internship, exam thesis engineering assistant, diploma thesis in the areas of technical service and employee qualificationTraining
Aug 2015-
Feb 2019Doctorate in the didactics of physics, University Koblenz-Landau Aug 2012-
Jul 2014in-service study of the subject computer science ,
Free University of Berlin, Teacher Training SenBJWOkt 2002-
Sep 2009Studies of mathematics and physics for the teaching profession at grammar schools,
Graduation: first state examination
(Oct 2008 - Jan 2010: maternity leave and parental leave)Feb-
Aug 2006Erasmus scholarship, Universidad of Granada, Spain Sep 1998-
Sep 2001Diploma (BA) Electrical Engineering, Mannheim University of Cooperative Education
Automation TechnologySep 2000-
Jul 2001Bachelor of Science (Honours) Engineer, First Class Degree,
University of the West of England, Bristol
*A "Studienrat" is a specific kind of tenured educational councillor unique to the german system