Dr. Susanne Digel


Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau
Building I, Room 1.11, Ground Floor


O `clock

Tel.: +49 6341 280-31468

E-Mail: s.digel@rptu.de

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Field of Work

Research Scientist


Mathematics Education (Secondary Education)[Didaktik der Mathematik (Sekundarstufen)]

Institute for Mathematics [Institut für Mathematik]


Functional thinking, experimentation in mathematics education, simulations (Geogebra)


Scientific modeling, competency modeling, Nature of Science

Systems thinking

  • Professional activity

    since Aug 2019Partial deputation to the University of Koblenz-Landau,
    AG Didactics of Mathematics (Secondary Schools)
    Jul 2019
    Partial deputation to the University of Koblenz-Landau,
    WG Physics Didactics and Technology Teaching
    seit Feb 2019Studienrätin* of the state RLP for mathematics, physics and computer science at the Integrated Comprehensive School Georg Friedrich Kolb Speyer.
    Aug 2015- Jan 2019Research assistant in the DFG Research Training Group Teaching Processes, University of Koblenz-Landau (dissertation in the field of physics didactics).
    Feb 2012-
    Jul 2015
    Studienrätin* for mathematics and physics at Beethoven Gymnasium Berlin.
    (Jul 2014 to Jul 2015: maternity leave and parental leave)
    Feb 2010- Jan 2012Student teacher at the 1st Studienseminar in Steglitz-Zehlendorf,
    Second state examination for the teaching profession at grammar schools
    Mrz 2008-
    Feb 2009
    Softwareconsultant SiProM GmbH for Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
    (Oct 2008 to Jan 2010: maternity leave and parental leave)
    Okt 2005
    Research stay Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America Inc.
    Palo Alto, USA
    Nov 2002-
    Okt 2007
     research stay Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America Inc.
     Palo Alto, USA
    Okt 2001-
    Okt 2002
    Development Engineer DaimlerChrysler AG Sindelfingen
    Passenger car telematics services
    Jul 1998-
    Sep 2001
    Vocational academy student DaimlerChryslerAG Wörth plant
    Technical internships, engineering internship, exam thesis engineering assistant, diploma thesis in the areas of technical service and employee qualification


    Aug 2015-
    Feb 2019
    Doctorate in the didactics of physics, University Koblenz-Landau
    Aug 2012-
    Jul 2014
    in-service study of the subject computer science ,
    Free University of Berlin, Teacher Training SenBJW
    Okt 2002-
    Sep 2009
    Studies of mathematics and physics for the teaching profession at grammar schools,
    Graduation: first state examination
    (Oct 2008 - Jan 2010: maternity leave and parental leave)
    Aug 2006
    Erasmus scholarship, Universidad of Granada, Spain
    Sep 1998-
    Sep 2001
    Diploma (BA) Electrical Engineering, Mannheim University of Cooperative Education
    Automation Technology
    Sep 2000-
    Jul 2001
    Bachelor of Science (Honours) Engineer, First Class Degree,
    University of the West of England, Bristol


*A "Studienrat" is a specific kind of tenured educational councillor unique to the german system

Associated with

Natural and Environmental Sciences
Projects and Services

Projects and offers of the Working Group Mathematics Education (Sec.)

Mathematics Education (Secondary Levels)

WG Didactics of Mathematics (Secondary Levels)