Dr Dominik Faas

Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau


Building I, Room 1.04, Ground Floor

Office Hours

Thursdays between 1-2pm during the semester, otherwise by appointment O `clock

Field of Work

Research Scientist

Mathematics Education (Secondary Education)[Didaktik der Mathematik (Sekundarstufen)]

Institute for Mathematics [Institut für Mathematik]


  • I supervise bachelor theses for mathematics teacher education (Realschule/Gymnasium and Grund-/Förderschule (primary, secondary and special education)), as well as for the double degree bachelor Basisfach Mathematik (core mathematics degree). I also supervise master theses for mathematics teacher education (Realschule/Gymnasium (secondary education)). However, I only supervise theses with a mathematical, not a mathematical educational, focus, within areas such as analysis, algebra and number theory, stochastics, geometry, applied mathematics, mathematical logic and others.
    One possible goal of your thesis could be to address a specific (and preferably advanced) mathematical question related to the content of one (or more) lecture(s) of the corresponding degree. If you consider this, you might find it useful to familiarize yourself with the topic in question beforehand, for example consulting suitable literature. However, I expect you to present your topic using your own words and giving as much detail as possible (including a detailed summary of the required prior knowledge, a detailed elaboration of the mathematical proofs and a description of your chosen examples). In general, your thesis should be as understandable as possible for a reader with rather basic knowledge in the corresponding field.

prior knowledge, elaboration of the proofs and one's own examples). The work should be as comprehensible as possible for a reader with basic knowledge in the corresponding field.



since 04/2010: Research Scientist at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, RPTU, Campus Landau (former: University of Koblenz-Landau)

12/2003 – 03/2010: Research Scientist  at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken


2008: PhD in Pure Mathematics and Functional Analysis, Saarland University

2003: Diploma in Mathematics, Saarland University

1998: Pre-Diploma in Mathematics, Saarland University

Associated with

Natural and Environmental Sciences
Projects and Services

Projects and offers of the Working Group Mathematics Education (Sec.)

Mathematics Education (Secondary Levels)

WG Didactics of Mathematics (Secondary Levels)