Madana Treiber

Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau


Building I, Room 1.05, Ground Floor

Office Hours

Field of Work

Formal training
Seit 04/2016PhD student at the University of Koblenz ∙ Landau.
 10/2010 – 11/2015Graduate medical educator at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
10/2005 – 09/2008State-approved occupational therapist at the educational academy of the school for occupational therapy "Regine Hildebrandt" in Angermünde


SoSe 2018 - SoSe 2018

Lectureship at the University of Koblenz - Landau.

Module 1.2 "Design of learning environments" at the Institute for Education in Childhood and Adolescence

07/2018 – 09/201907/2018 - 09/2019 Maternity leave and parental leave.
Seit 04/2016Since 04/2016 Scientific Associate in the project DiAmant M at the University of Koblenz ∙ Landau.
11/2015 – 03/2016

Honorary lecturer at the Ludwig Fresenius Schulen Berlin Gmbh

in the subject "Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology".

05/2015 – 10/2015Maternity leave and parental leave
10/2014 – 03/2015

Honorary lecturer at the Ludwig Fresenius Schulen Berlin GmbH

in the subject "Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology".

02/2014Honorary lecturer at the Spektrum Academy for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Berlin with the focus on "Mirror Therapy".
01/2011 – 04/2016Occupational therapist at the occupational therapy practice Frank Stoiber in Berlin
04/2009 – 10/2010

Occupational therapist in the Median Clinic Berlin, rehabilitation clinic for neurology and orthopedics in Berlin Kladow

with activity in the research project of the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, at the location Median Klinik Berlin Kladow since 05/2010

11/2008 – 04/2009Occupational therapist as parental leave substitute at the HELIOS Clinic Hohenstücken, neurological rehabilitation center for children and adolescents in Brandenburg a. d. Havel

Associated with

Natural and Environmental Sciences
Projects and Services

Projects and offers of the Working Group Mathematics Education (Sec.)

Mathematics Education (Secondary Levels)

WG Didactics of Mathematics (Secondary Levels)