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Schritt 1: Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand:in im Fachbereich


Schritt 2: Mit Einreichung der Dissertation:

Larissa Herrmann (l.herrmann[at]

Abgeschlossene Promotionen im FB Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften

Lütgerodt, Niklas. Im organisationskulturellen Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Breiten-eSport im Sportverein – Eine multiple Fallstudie (Prof. Dr. Silke Sinning)


  • Huszarik, Meike Francesca Johanna. Indirect effects of chemical stream pollution on the riparian food web (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Duque Acosta, Tomas S. Chemical sensitivity of spiders and earthworms: effects of ecology, phylogeny and habitat (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Roy, Rajdeep. Impact of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and their aging on the ecotoxicity of metals on Daphnia magna (Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Schneeweiß, Anke. Propagation of chemical effects – across levels of biological organisation and habitat patches of small streams (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Tayyebi Sabet Khomami. Investigation of Interactions of TiO₂ Nanoparticles with Dissolved Components of Surface Waters under Natural Conditions (Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann)
  • Ohler, Katharina. Aquatic-terrestrial predator-prey relationship across ecosystem boundaries: How does agricultural land use affect the quantity and quality of stream exports? (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Rieger, Marc Bastian. Formulierung von Gestaltungsprinzipien zur Entwicklung von VR-Lernumgebungen für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht (Prof. Dr. Björn Risch)
  • Markheiser, Anna. Plant-specific factors affecting short-range attraction and oviposition of European grapevine moths (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Jupke, Jonathan. The capacity of broad-scale aquatic typology systems to capture differences in composition and chemical sensitivity of biological assemblages. (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Wersebekmann, Vera-Sabine. Terracing in steep slope viticulture and its potential for biodiversity in vineyard ecosystems. (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling in Kooperation mit der Hochschule Geisenheim)
  • Albert, Julius. Aflatoxins in the Soil Environment –Occurrence, Fate and Consequences for the Soil Microbiome and Associated Functions (Dr. Katherine Munoz/Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann)
  • Kolbenschlag, Lisa. The dynamics of aquatic subsidies: How disturbances can propagate from aquatic insects to riparian spiders, exemplified by Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Kammoun, Emna. Effects of Olive Mill Wastewater application on a Mediterranean Tunisian soil under climatic sequence simulating seasonal changes in the course of one year: lysimeter experiment (Dr. Christian Buchmann / Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann)
  • Gierl, Katharina. Analyse physikalischer Beschreibungen als Element von naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinnung – Am Beispiel optischer Phänomene aus lebensweltlichen und schulischen Kontexten (Prof. Dr. Alexander Kauertz)
  • Francesconi, Caterina. Characterisation of Aphanomyces astaci’s virulence: from phenotype to genome (Prof. Dr. Klaus Schwenk)
  • Gerstle, Verena. Ecological effects of Bti-based mosquito control on aquatic-terrestrial linkages (Apl.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Brühl)
  • Schmitz, Daniel. The effects of soil copper contamination and invasive plants on soil properties, microbial communities and plant growth in riparian habitats (Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Pietz, Sebastian. Aquatic contaminants reduce the quantity and nutritonal quality of aquatic subsidy to riparian consumers (Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Streib, Lucas. Meta-populations under multiple stressor risks - Simulation studies using a new process-based spatially explicit model (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Klug, Birte. Fluid dynamic modeling and simulation of supersonic flows and associated aerosol impaction processes in the mesosphere ( Prof. Dr. Anna Hundertmark)
  • Bastos Gonçalves, Sara Isabel. The relevance of the biodiversity to function relationship in heterotrophic aquatic systems under stress (Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Wu, Huaming. Interactions of cyanobacterial blooms with physical processes in lakes (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Mahjoubi, Imane . Water Ecosystem Services under the Effect of Water Scarcity in the Drâa Basin in Morocco: Assessment of Local perceptions and Economic Valuation towards an Integration into Regional Decision-making processes (Prof. Dr. Oliver Frör)
  • Silva-Novao Sánchez, Luis Miguel. Water governance challenges in the Middle Drâa Valley of Morocco: Analysing policies, practices and conflict (Dr. Lisa Bossenbroek/
    Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling)
  • Reiff, Julius. Sustainability of Permaculture Farming (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Abu Quba, Abd Alaziz. Impact of hypertonic stress on bacterial cell physicochemical properties and the consequences for soil wetting properties (Prof. Dr. E. Gabriele Schaumann)
  • Froese, Rebecca. A Social-Ecological Perspective on Conflicts and Social Cohesion in Southwestern Amazonia (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling)
  • Anlanger, Christina. Interaction between flow hydrodynamics and biofilm attributes and functioning in stream ecosystems (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Roodt, Alexis Pieter. Aquatic-terrestrial transfer of current-use pesticides by emerging aquatic insects and potential for dietary exposure of terrestrial insectivores (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz)
  • Osakpolor, Stephen Esosa. Modelling the response of a terrestrial food web to a change in aquatic subsidies through environmental stress (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Bub, Sascha. A systemic large-scale assessment of risks from pesticide use for different organism groups in the United States of America and Germany based on a labeled property graph (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz)
  • de Carvalho Bueno, Rafael. Internal seiche field in thermally stratfied lakes (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Bohorquez-Bedoya, Eliana. Physical processes influence on the dynamics oft he mein greenhouse gases in mountain tropical reservoirs (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Wolfram, Jakob. Spatiotemporal analysis of risks and their drivers posed by organic pollutants to aquatic ecosystems on macro scales (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz)
  • Ganglo, Bai Honefa Bertille. CarolinEffects of an anthropogenic stressor on carbon biogeochemical processes and fluxes in water to land transition zones of ponds (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Marcon, Lediane. Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Ebullition in Impoundments (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Neff, Sascha. Transfer digitaler Innovationen in die Schulpraxis - Eine explorative Untersuchung zur Förderung der Implementation (Prof. Dr. Björn Risch)
  • Kaczmarek, Nils. Macroinvertebrate community composition and ecosystem health in response to salinity and environmental change in the Draa River basin, Morocco (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Berger)
  • Reiff, Jo Marie. Arthropod functional biodiversity in vineyards under reduced fungicide sprayings (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Kaczmarek, Marvin. The effects of organic management, pesticide reduction, and landscape diversification for arthropod conservation in viticulture (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Bosch, Christina. Herausforderungen für den Schulsport mit Sehbehinderung und Blindheit unter Berücksichtigung der Inklusion – eine repräsentative bundesweite Studie zu Teilhabechancen an Förder- und Regelschulen. (Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Gießing)
  • Weisner, Oliver. The ”Kleingewässer-Monitoring” (KgM) – A Monitoring of German Small Streams and Its Implications for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides. (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Narimanor, Nijat.  Ecology and evolution of the invasive spider Mermessus trilobatus in Europe. (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Enenkiel, Patrizia.  Diagnostische Fähigkeiten mit Videovignetten und Feedback fördern – Gruppenarbeitsprozesse zur Bestimmung von Längen, Flächen- und Rauminhalten (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth)
  • Milius, Marvin. Professionelle Kompetenz von Biologielehrkräften -Eine Studie zu Berufswahlmotiven, motivationaler Orientierung, Wohlbefinden und Unterrichtsqualität (Prof. Dr. Sandra Nitz)
  • Meyer, Maximilian. Plastic mulching in agriculture – Impacts on soil properties and processes and the consequences for soil quality. Insight gained from a three year field study in strawberry cultivation (Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann)
  • Steinmetz, Zacharias. Agricultural plastic covers - source of plastic debris in soil? (Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann)
  • Konschak, Marco. Diet-related effects of antimicrobials in aquatic decomposer-shredder and periphyton-grazer systems (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Baudy-Groh, Patrick. Fungicide effects on the structure and functioning of leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Weiß, Sören Bo. Optimizing biodiversity protection projects: A problem on various scales (Prof. Dr. Oliver Frör)
  • Klein, Lara-Sophie. Naturwissenschaftliches Experimentieren im Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung. Eine Design-Based Research-Studie zur Ermittlung von Gestaltungskriterien für adressatengerechte Experimentiermaterialien sowie zur Erfassung der experimentellen Kompetenzentwicklung von Schülerinnen und Schülern (Prof. Dr. Björn Risch)
  • Ishikawa, Mayra M.. Fate of nutrients in a subtropical reservoir according to hydrodynamic processes and its effects on phytoplankton dynamics (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Pott, Antonia. Anbau von gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen und aquatische Systeme: Exposition, Effekte und die Nutzung von higher-tier Ansätzen für die Risikobewertung. (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz)
  • Guseva, Sofya. Energy flux paths and air-water exchange in freshwater ecosystems (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Scherb, Christian Alexander. Herausforderung Zeichnen – Schwierigkeiten Lernender bei der Konstruktion externer bildlicher Repräsentationen in biologischen Kontexten. (Prof. Dr. Sandra Nitz)
  • Leeb, Christoph. Amphibians in a fragmented viticultural landscape (Dr. habil. Kathrin Theissinger)
  • Ammann Lolita. The role of alternaive resources for pollinators and aphid predators in agricultural landscapes. (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Heer, Henriette. Mathematical models of species dispersal and the resilience of metapopulations against habitat loss. (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Adams, Elena. Pesticide effects on German amphibians and consequences for their risk assessment in the European Union. (PD Dr. Carsten Brühl)
  • Keller, Philipp S. Sealing leaks in the plumbing: Gaseous carbon emissions from dry inland waters on global and local scales. (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Berndt, Josephine. Lernen in Citizien Science – Die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Partizipationsansätze auf die Lernenden. (Prof. Dr. Sandra Nitz)
  • Eckerter, Philipp. Spatio-termporal effects of floral resources on pollinators and their functions in agricultural landscapes. (Prof. Dr. Martin Entling)
  • Ogungbemi, Afolarin. Toxicological Characterization and Screening of Neuroactive Chemicals and Mixtures using Zebrafish Embryo Behavior. (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer)
  • Allgeier, Stephanie. Mosquito control based on Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) – Ecological effects on wetland food chains and public acceptance of control alternatives. (Dr. Carsten Brühl)
  • Bolz, Hannah. Abdriftbedingte Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände in unbehandelten Kulturen
    auf angrenzenden Flächen
    . (Prof. Dr. Ralf B. Schäfer)
  • Brax, Mathilde. Gel effect induced by mucilage in the pore space and consequences on soil physical properties. (Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Schaumann)
  • Digel, Susanne. Messung von Modellierungskompetenz in Physik – Theoretische Herleitung und empirische Prüfung eines Kompetenzmodells physikspezifischer Modellierungskompetenz. (Prof. Dr. Alexander Kauertz)
  • Engl, Alexander. CHEMIE PUR – Unterrichten in der Natur: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines kontextorientierten Unterrichtskonzeptes im Bereich Outdoor Education zur Änderung der Einstellung zu “Chemie und Natur“. (Prof. Dr. Bjrön Risch)
  • Herbort, Adrian. Entwicklung eines skalierbaren Verfahrens zur Reduktion von Mikroplastik aus aquatischen Medien mittels innovativer Hybridmaterialien. (ehem. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Schuhen)
  • Le Trong Dieu, Hien. Pesticide and salinisation, two stressors of freshwater ecosystems. (Prof. Dr. Ralf B. Schäfer)
  • Long, Lianghong. Effects of damming and reservoir regulations on hydrodynamics and thermal regimes in large cascade reservoir of the Yangtze River, China. (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke)
  • Lüderwald, Simon. Environmental processes transforming inorganic nanoparticles: implications on aquatic invertebrates. (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh)
  • Pietrusky, Stefan. Gestaltung einer integrierten Lernumgebung zur Förderung der
    Problemlösungskompetenz im Physikunterricht – eine Design-Based-Research-Studie. (Prof. Dr. Alexander Kauertz)
  • Schreiner, Verena. Occurrence, monitoring and effects of pesticides and their mixtures
    in agricultural streams
    . (Prof. Dr. Ralf B. Schäfer)
  • Strózynska, Monika. Entwicklung neuer Derivatisierungsmethoden für die GC-MS Analyse von
    Perfluorcarbonsäuren in variablen Probenmatrices
    . (ehem. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Schuhen)
  • Uhl, Philipp. Flower-visiting insects in Europe - Evaluating the environmental consequences of agricultural pesticide use in the context of risk assessment. (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz)
  • Walz, Moritz. Das Interventionsverhalten von Studierenden mit divergierender prozessdiagnostischer Fähigkeiten. (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth)