
[Translate to Englisch:] Anstehende Termine

Carsten Brühl becomes member of the scientific advisory board of the Government's National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Bundesminister Özdemir mit den Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Pflanzenschutz
Copyright: BMEL

Agriculture ministers from around 65 countries aim to make global agriculture and food systems more sustainable and more resilient

Chaired by Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, the agriculture ministers from 65 States met at the 16th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference and undertook to continue the necessary transformation towards sustainable and consequently resilient agriculture and food systems. In their final communiqué, the ministers underlined that this was the only way to make the right to adequate food a reality for everyone across the globe. They recognised that the climate and biodiversity crises had destabilised the world and undertook to support agricultural practices and technologies that strengthen sustainable food production. They also made it clear that Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine had drastically increased hunger in the world.

At the conclusion of the Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, which was dedicated to the topic of “Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World”, Federal Minister Özdemir said,

You can find the complete press release here

Bundesminister Özdemir mit den Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Pflanzenschutz
Copyright: BMEL

Carsten Brühl becomes member of the scientific advisory board of the Government's National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Bundesminister Özdemir mit den Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Pflanzenschutz
Copyright: BMEL

Agriculture ministers from around 65 countries aim to make global agriculture and food systems more sustainable and more resilient

Chaired by Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, the agriculture ministers from 65 States met at the 16th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference and undertook to continue the necessary transformation towards sustainable and consequently resilient agriculture and food systems. In their final communiqué, the ministers underlined that this was the only way to make the right to adequate food a reality for everyone across the globe. They recognised that the climate and biodiversity crises had destabilised the world and undertook to support agricultural practices and technologies that strengthen sustainable food production. They also made it clear that Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine had drastically increased hunger in the world.

At the conclusion of the Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, which was dedicated to the topic of “Food Systems for Our Future: Joining Forces for a Zero Hunger World”, Federal Minister Özdemir said,

You can find the complete press release here

Bundesminister Özdemir mit den Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Pflanzenschutz
Copyright: BMEL

[Translate to Englisch:] anstehende Termine im FB NUW


[Translate to Englisch:] Hier finden Sie archivierte Meldungen aus dem Fachbereich Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften