
Below we provide an overview of possible contact persons for support needs, for counselling in the area of studies and teaching or in case of problems.

    For further advice on the following topics, please visit this central homepage:

    • Study programme advice, e.g. also for the recognition of achievements
    • Financing e.g. scholarships, student loans, BAföG
    • Advice on pregnancy and studying with a child
    • Counselling for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses
    • Psychotherapeutic counselling
    • Gender equality, sexual assault

    Contacts - Employees

    Please note: If you have any problems or questions, please always contact the lecturer concerned in the first instance. If there is still a need for clarification, then contact the person responsible for the module together. If no solution can be found here either, ask the next instance together, etc.


    Lecturers are responsible for the content and implementation of the courses assigned to them. This is done in consultation with the module coordinators. If problems or questions arise regarding courses, the lecturers concerned are always the first point of contact.


    Module coordinators are responsible for coordinating the content and organisation of the module in question. For course-related but module-specific topics, please contact the respective module coordinators, who can be found in the module handbooks specific to the subject/degree programme here.


    Study programme advisors are the contact persons for questions regarding the relevant study programmes. They provide advice in consultation with the relevant examination boards, the Examinations Office, the responsible heads of faculty and the faculty's Committee for Studies and Teaching. You can find the responsible degree programme advisors under their respective subject/degree programme here (currently in German only).


    Several degree programmes can be assigned to one subject. The subjects in the department are coordinated by the subject coordinators. They ensure teaching in the subject and are responsible for curriculum planning. The subject coordinators acts as a mediator, for example in the event of overlapping courses within the subject or with other subjects. You can find the responsible subject coordinators under their respective subject/degree programme here.


    The Vice Dean for Studies and Teaching is an elected person from among the professors and is also the chairperson of the Committee for Studies and Teaching. The committee advises the Faculty Council on matters relating to study structure, study reform, curricula, examination regulations, courses offered and the organisation of teaching. The Vice Dean is responsible for checking that the courses on offer comply with the examination and study regulations, that the programme can be completed properly within the standard period of study and that students receive appropriate support. You can find an overview of the dean's office team here.


    Contacts - Students

    Please note: If you have any problems or questions, please always contact the relevant lecturers first. If you need support, representatives of the respective student councils are available to advise you. If there is still a need for clarification after these discussions, please contact the student representatives on the Committee for Studies and Teaching. If no solution has been found here either, ask the next instance together, etc.


    The student representatives are elected by all students of a subject and represent the interests of the students of the respective subject and thus act as a mediator and link between students and lecturers. You can find an overview of the departmental student councils here.


    The Committee for Studies and Teaching is a working body that advises the Faculty Council. Four student members have been elected to this committee, whom you can contact if you would like to have certain interdisciplinary topics or problems discussed. You can find the members of the committee here.


    The Faculty Council is led by the Dean's Office and is an elected body with decision-making powers consisting of all status groups. The four student members represent the interests of students across all degree programmes and subjects. You can find the members of the Faculty Council here.


    The General Students' Committee (AStA) is an elected body of students and is divided into several offices. The Office of Studies & Student Representatives consults with the student representatives and is a central point of contact for all students from all faculties. You can find the offices and members here (in German).


    The listed contact persons on the student and staff side are in mutual dialogue and try to find solutions to questions and problems together. The appropriate levels of contact persons are always selected and findings and feedback are communicated by means of iterative feedback loops, enabling hand-in-hand cooperation.