Quality assurance
Quality circuits
A university is a complex system with many players at different levels. In order to ensure that everything runs smoothly for the benefit of all, there are quality circuits designed to ensure that all areas are heard and that information is communicated and reflected accordingly.
Course evaluation
Every semester, a selection of courses is evaluated by the students. The feedback is incorporated into the organisation of the degree programme and forms the basis for adjustments and improvements. They also provide lecturers with personal feedback on their teaching.
Student discussions
The exchange between students, lecturers and those responsible for degree programmes and subjects is very important. For this reason, regular and irregular discussions take place with all those involved in various constellations. These discussions help, for example, to address the sorrows of students and to further develop and optimise degree programmes.

Teaching awards & certificates
The Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences awards teaching prizes and teaching certificates every year. These recognise particularly successful courses.
The teaching awards honour experienced lecturers who have been positively evaluated by students in at least three courses.
The teaching certificates recognise the best individual courses taught by junior academics on fixed-term contracts.
Evaluation: The selection of the award winners is based solely on the judgement of the students by means of the course evaluation.
Committee: The Committee for Studies and Teaching deals with the best-rated course evaluations (LVE) calculated by the Methods Centre and selects the winners.
The teaching awards and certificates are presented at the annual faculty festival.
Award winners
2022: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth, Special award: Dr. Lorenz Fahse
2021: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling
2020: Dr. Katherine Munoz & Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth
2019: Dr. Lorenz Fahse
2017/18: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke
2016: PD. Dr. Constanze Buhk
2015: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Roth
2014: Dr. Lorenz Fahse
2013: Prof. Dr. Renate Rasch
2012: Prof. Dr. Björn Risch
2011: Prof. Dr. Björn Risch
2022 (SoSe 22), Jakob Wolfram: Praktikum "Suborganismic and physiological effects - Effects of chemical stressors I", (WiSe 22/23): Birte Klug: Übung "Arithmetik"
2021 (SoSe 21): Dr. Jochen Laub: "Spezielle Humangeographie - Neue Kulturgeographie/Stadtgeographie", (WiSe 21/22): Alexandra Urich-Klehr: "Ästhetische Bildung: Grundlagen und Formen ästhetischer Bildung (Sport)"
2020: Dr. Christian Buchmann „Biogeochemical Interfaces“
2019: Patrizia Enenkiel „Didaktik der Geometrie (Sekundarstufe) (Modul 5a)“
2018: Alexander Engl „Grundlagen der Chemie“; Rebecca Gerlach, Dr. Christian Buchmann & Zacharias Steinmetz „Einführung in die Methoden der Natur und Umweltwissenschaften“ Dr. Patrick Löffler „Fachdidaktik 1: Grundlagen der Physikdidaktik“
2017: Dr. Eva Cauet & Jun-Prof. Dr. Eva Kröner „Experimentalphysik 4: Festkörper-, Kern- und Elementarphysik“
2016: Dr. Patrick Löffler „Experimentalphysik 1: Thermodynamik“
2015: Philip Jung „Grundlagen der Chemie“
2013: Judith Ames „Kompetenzerwerb beim Entdecken von Mustern und Strukturen“