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About us

The Faculty

The Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences covers a broad range of mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography and their didactics as well as integrating social sciences and sport. It comprises the four Institutes of Science Education, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences and Sports Sciences, which provide teaching in seven subjects. This disciplinary breadth combined with a small number of professorships has led to strong interdisciplinary collaboration on overarching and integrating topics in the field of natural and environmental sciences. Research focuses on complex interactions in ecosystems, socio-ecological development and transformation processes as well as related teaching and learning processes.

Information for

Prospective students

Here you will find all relevant information about the degree programmes and advisory services in the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Ein Forscher sammelt von einem Boot aus auf einem Stausee Methanproben ein

The faculty is as diverse as the research. Find out more here.

Enrolled students

As an enrolled student, you will find all information on the organisation of your studies in the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences here

Young Academics

Here you find information about requirements for a Ph.D or State doctorate at our faculty and how apply for the faculty research award

students and teachers (schools)

School students and teachers can find information about the programme at the faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences here


Who does what in the faculty? Here you will find links to the dean's office, institutes, subjects, committees and representatives


Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences


Fortstrasse 7
Building: I, Room: 5.02, Floor: 4. OG
76829 Landau

Dean's Office

08:00 - 16:00 O `clock

+49 6341