Monitoring of anthropogenic effects on small streams in Southern Palatinate

Project description

Small streams and their biodiversity are highly affected by anthropogenic impacts. In this project we monitor different anthropogenic effects on two small streams (Queich and Hainbach) and their riparian habitats in Southern Palatinate. Since 2018, several abiotic and biotic parameters are investigated at 18 sites. Measurements include pesticide concentration in the streams, land-use intensity in the surroundings, physico-chemical water conditions, macrozoobenthos and emergence of aquatic insects, fish, and riparian carabids and vegetation. Results of the project should help for conservation and management implications for small stream. Moreover, accompanying environmental education program should rise awareness of the general public towards the biodiversity crisis of small streams. 

Participating researchers in Landau






Eußerthal Ecosystem Research Station (EERES)

Reallabor Queichland


biodiversity, global change; small streams, anthropogenic stressors; arthropods, carabids, fish, vegetation; Germany