SystemLink: Bottom-up effects of copper and invasive plants on riparian communities [First cohort]

Project description

Aquatic micropollutants and invasive plant species are factors that strongly impact riparian ecosystems in many different forms. In this project, the bottom up effects these factors exhibit over multiple trophic levels will be investigated, which is one possible pathway by which these factors may affect the ecosystem. The project will combine a field observational study and a large outdoor experiment. In the field study, the soil microbial community structure in riparian habitats with invasive plants (Fallopia japonica and Impatiens glandulifera) will be compared with native sites (Urtica dioica). In the experiment, we test the causal effects of micropollutants (copper) on the soil microbial community and subsequent effects on the focal plant species and focal herbivores.

Participating researchers in Landau




Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German Research Foundation (DFG)


global change, ecosystem functions; invasive plants, chemical pollution, copper, water-land-interaction; fungi, arthropods; Germany