PD Dr. Jens Schirmel
- Biodiversity
- Conservation biology
- Community ecology
- Invasion ecology
- Urban ecology
- Agroecology and ecosystem services
2019 | Habilitation in "Ecology" |
since 2017 | Research leader "Biodiversität und Naturschutz" at the Eußerthal Ecosystem Research Station (EERES), University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) (until 2022: University of Koblenz-Landau) |
since 2011 | Researcher at the iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) (until 2022: University of Koblenz-Landau) |
2008-2011 | PhD at the Biological Station Hiddensee, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald |
2000-2007 | Study of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster |
International peer-reviewed journals
(69) Middendorf F, Eitzinger B, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2025) Carabid beetles as indicators for stream zonation. Ecological Indicators 170: 113036
(68) Gieser J, Kolb S, Reiff JM, Riess K, Entling MH, Schirmel J (accepted) Local habitat conditions and landscape characteristics shape carabid beetle composition in vineyards more than management and reduced fungicide applications. Conservation Science and Practice
(67) Bauer T, Hofer H, Schirmel J (2024) Data Paper: Spider assemblages (Arachnida: Araneae) in urban grassland patches in Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Arachnologische Mitteilungen / Arachnology Letters 68: 1
(66) Bauspiess P, Kolb S, Joschko T, Schulz R, Schirmel J (2024) Small stream floodplains have high conservation value for riparian carabid beetles but less for spiders. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17: 910-925. doi.org/10.1111/icad.12759
(65) Pernat N, Memedemin D, August T, Preda C, Reyserhove L, Schirmel J, Groom Q (2024) Extracting secondary data from citizen science images reveal host flower preferences of the Mexican grass-carrying wasp Isodontia mexicana in its native and introduced range. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11537. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11537
(64) Zitzmann F, Stern M, Schmidt M, Schirmel J (2024) Carabid beetles in solar parks: Assemblages under solar panels are severely impoverished compared to gaps between panel rows and edge areas. Journal of Insect Conservation 28: 763-776. doi.org/10.1007/s10841-024-00597-w
(63) Bauer T, Höfer H, Schirmel J (2024) Dry grassland in urban areas harbours locally endangered arthropod species and should be prioritized for biodiversity-friendly mowing regimes. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17: 811-825. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12746
(62) Pernat N, Buchholz S, Schirmel J (2024) Urbanization reduces Orthoptera diversity and changes community structure towards mobile species. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17: 259-272.
(61) Boetzl F, Sponsler D, Albrecht M, Batáry P, Birkhofer K, Knapp M, Krauss J, Maas B, Martin EA, Sirami C, Sutter L, Bertrand C, Bosem Baillod A, Bota G, Bretagnolle V, Brotons L, Frank T, Fusser M, Giralt D, González E, Hof AR, Luka H, Marrec R, Nash MA, Ng K, Plantegenest M, Poulin B, Siriwardena GM, Tscharntke T, Tschumi M, Vialatte A, Van Vooren L, Zubair-Anjum M, Entling MH, Steffan-Dewenter I, Schirmel J (2014) Distance functions of carabids in crop fields depend on traits, crop type and adjacent habitat: a synthesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20232383
(60) Kaczmarek M, Gillich M, Entling MH, Hoffmann C, Schirmel J (2023) Differential responses of Orthoptera in vineyards to organic farming, pesticide reduction, and landscape heterogeneity. Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 729-741
(59) Schmitz D, Girardi JP, Ullrich E, Munoz-Sepulveda K, Bundschuh M, Riess K, Schirmel J (2023) Fallopia japonica and Impatiens glandulifera are colonized by species-poor root-associated fungal communities but have minor impacts on soil properties in riparian habitats. Biological Invasions 25: 2199-2218
(58) Gerlach R, Buhk C, Schirmel J, Jungkunst H (2023) Exploration of the response of soil properties and plant species composition to centuries-old traditional meadow irrigation. Journal of Plant Ecology 16: rtac072
(57) Manfrin A, Schirmel J, Mendoza-Lera C, Ahmed A, Bohde R, Brunn M, Brühl CA, Buchmann C, Bundschuh M, Burgis F, Diehl D, Entling MH, Ganglo C, Geissler S, Gerstle V, Girardi J, Graf T, Huszarik M, Jamin J, Joschko T, Jungkunst H, Knäbel A, Kolbenschlag S, Lorke A, Muñoz K, Ogbeide C, Osakpolor S, Pietz S, Riess S, Roodt AP, Rovelli L, Röder N, Rösch V, Schaumann GE, Schäfer RB, Schmitt T, Schmitz D, Schützenmeister K, Schwenk K, Stehle S, Schulz R (2023) SystemLink: moving beyond aquatic-terrestrial interactions to incorporate food web studies. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 32: 77-81
(56) Schmitz D, Girardi JP, Jamin J, Bundschuh M, Geng B, Feldmann R, Rösch V, Riess K, Schirmel J (2023) Copper uptake and its effects on two riparian plant species, the native Urtica dioica and the invasive Fallopia japonica. Plants 12: 481
(55) Rech F, Narimanov N, Bauer T, Schirmel J (2022) Urbanization increases fluctuating asymmetry and affects behavioral traits of a common grasshopper. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9658
(54) Schirmel J, Gerlach R C (2022) Conservation value of traditional flood irrigation for carabids in hay meadows. Ecological Indicators 144: 109553
(53) Laux M, Lyu H, Entling MH, Schirmel J, Narang A, Köhler M, Saha S (2022) Native pedunculate oaks support more biodiversity than non-native oaks, but non-native oaks are healthier than native oaks: a study on street and park streets of a city. Science of the Total Environment 853: 158603
(52) Schirmel J, Petschner S, Rösch V, Entling MH (2022) Positive effects of organic viticulture on carabid beetles depend on landscape and local habitat conditions. Annals of Applied Biology 181: 192-200
(51) Stehle S, Manfrin A, Feckler A, Graf T, Joschko TJ, Jupke J, Noss C, Rösch V, Schirmel J, Schmidt T, Zubrod JP, Schulz R (2022) Structural and functional development of twelve newly established floodplain pond mesocosms. Ecology and Evolution 2:e8674.
(50) Osakpolor S, Kattwinkel M, Schirmel J, Feckler A, Manfrin A, Schäfer RB (2021) Mini-review of process-based food web models and their application in aquatic-terrestrial meta-ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 458: 109710
(49) Schirmel J (2021) COVID-19 Pandemic Turns Life-science Students into "Citizen Scientists": Data Indicate Multiple Negative Effects of Urbanization on Biota. Sustainability 13: 2992
(48) Bauer T, Bäte D, Kempfer F, Schirmel J (2021) Differing impacts of two major plant invaders on urban plant-dwelling spiders (Araneae) during flower season. Biological Invasions 23: 1473-1485
(47) Holland JM, Sutter L, Albrecht M, Jeanneret P, Pfister SC, Schirmel J, Entling MH, Kaasik R, Kovacs G, Veromann E, Bartual AM, Marini S, Moonen A-C, Szalai M, Helsen H, Winkler K, Lof ME, van der Werf W, McHugh NM, Smith BM, Wallis DW, Cresswell JE (2020) Moderate pollination limitation in some entomophilous crops of Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 302: 107002
(46) Schirmel J (2020) Differential effects of American pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) invasion on ground-dwelling forest arthropods in southwest Germany. Biological Invasions 22: 1289-1298
(45) Schirmel J, Gerlach R, Buhk C (2019) Disentangling the role of management, vegetation structure and plant quality for Orthoptera in lowland meadows. Insect Science 26: 366-378
(44) Thiele J, Schirmel J, Buchholz S (2018) Effectiveness of corridors varies among phytosociological plant groups and dispersal syndromes. PLoSOne 13(7): e0199980.
(43) Pfister SC, Eckerter PW, Krebs J, Creswell JE, Schirmel J, Entling MH (2018) Dominance of cropland reduces the pollen deposition from bumble bees. Scientific Reports 8: 13873
(42) Mestre L, Schirmel J, Hetz J, Kolb S, Pfister SC, Amato M, Sutter L, Jeanneret P, Albrecht M, Entling MH (2018) Both woody and herbaceous semi-natural habitats are essential for spider overwintering in European farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 267: 241-246
(41) Buchholz S, Hannig K, Möller M, Schirmel J (2018) Reducing management intensity and isolation as promising tools to enhance ground-dwelling arthropod diversity in urban grasslands. Urban Ecosystems 21: 1139-1149
(40) Fusser M, Holland J, Jeanneret P, Pfister SC, Entling ME, Schirmel J (2018) Interactive effects of local and landscape factors on farmland carabids. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 20: 549-557
(39) Schirmel J, Albrecht M, Bauer P-M, Sutter L, Pfister SC, Entling MH (2018) Landscape complexity promotes hoverflies across different types of semi-natural habitats in farmland. Journal of Applied Ecology55: 1747-1758
(38) Schirmel J, Albert J, Kurtz MP, Muñoz K (2018) Plasticulture changes soil invertebrate assemblages of strawberry fields and decreases diversity and soil microbial activity. Applied Soil Ecology 124: 379-393
(37) Thiele J, Buchholz S, Schirmel J (2018) Using resistance distance from circuit theory to model dispersal through habitat corridors. Journal of Plant Ecology: 11: 385-393
(36) Thiele J, Kellner S, Buchholz S, Schirmel J (2018) Connectivity or area - what drives plant species richness in habitat corridors? Landscape Ecology 33: 173-181
(35) Pfister SC, Schirmel J, Entling MH (2017) Aphids and their enemies in pumpkin respond differently to management, local and landscape features. Biological Control 115: 37-45
(34) Wendland S, Baudy P, Fusser MS, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2017) Contrasting predation pressure of different ground beetles on slugs and their eggs. BioControl 62: 749-756
(33) Fusser M, Pfister SC, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2017) Effects of field margin type and landscape composition on predatory carabids and slugs in wheat fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 247: 182-188
(32) Meier M, Gerlach R, Schirmel J, Buhk C (2017) Plant diversity in a water-meadow landscape: the role of irrigation ditches. Plant Ecology 218: 971-981
(31) Pfister SC, Eckerter P, Schirmel J, Cresswell J, Entling MH (2017) Sensitivity of commercial pumpkin yield to potential decline among different groups of pollinating bees. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170102.http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.170102
(30) Pfister SC, Sutter L, Albrecht M, Marini S, Schirmel J, Entling MH (2017) Positive effects of local and landscape features on predatory flies in European agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 239:283-292
(29) Schirmel J, Thiele J, Entling MH, Buchholz S (2016) Trait composition and functional diversity of spiders and carabids in linear landscape elements. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 235:318-328.
(28) Müller IB, Buhk C, Lange D, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2016) Contrasting effects of irrigation and fertilization on plant diversity in hay meadows. Basic and Applied Ecology 17:576-585.
(27) Fusser M, Pfister SC, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2016) Effects of landscape composition on carabids and slugs in herbaceous and woody field margins. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 226:79-87.
(26) Schirmel J, Bundschuh M, Entling MH, Kowarik I, Buchholz S (2016) Impacts of invasive plants on resident animals across ecosystems, taxa, and feeding types: A global assessment. Global Change Biology 22:594–603.
(25) Müller IB, Buhk C, Alt M, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2016) Plant functional shifts in Central European grassland under traditional flood irrigation. Applied Vegetation Science 19: 122-131.
(24) Pehle A, Schirmel J (2015) Moss invasion influences ground-dwelling arthropod community structure and reduces soil biological activity. Biological Invasions 17: 3467-3477.
(23) Buchholz S, Tietze H, Kowarik I, Schirmel J (2015) Effects of a major tree invader on urban woodland arthropods. PLoSOne 10: e0137723.
(22) Pfister SC, Schäfer RB, Schirmel J, Entling MH (2015) Effects of hedgerows and riparian margins on aerial web-building spiders in cereal fields. Journal of Arachnology 43: 400-405.
(21) Schirmel J, Mantilla-Contreras J, Gauger D, Blindow I (2014) Carabid beetles as indicators for shrub encroachment in dry grasslands. Ecological Indicators 49: 76-82.
(20) Schirmel J, Alt M, Rudolph I, Entling MH (2014) Effects of traditional flood irrigation on invertebrates in lowland meadows. PLoSONE 9(10): e110854.
(19) Schirmel J, Fartmann T (2014) Coastal heathland succession influences butterfly community composition and threatens endangered butterfly species. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 111-120.
(18) Siewers J, Schirmel J, Buchholz S (2014) The effeciency of pitfall traps as a method of sampling epigeal arthropods in litter rich forest habitats. European Journal of Entomology 111:69-74.
(17) Buchholz S, Hannig K, Schirmel J (2013) Losing uniqueness - shifts in carabid species composition during dry grassland and heathland succession. Animal Conservation 16:661-670
(16) Buchholz S, Rolfsmeyer D, Schirmel J (2013) Simulating small-scale climate-change effects - lessons from a short term field manipulation experiment on grassland arthropods. Insect Science 20: 662-670.
(15) Schirmel J, Fartmann T (2013) Coexistance of two related bush-cricket species (Orthoptera: Tettigonia caudata, T. viridissima) in an agricultural landscape. Biologia 68: 510-516.
(14) Schirmel J, Buchholz S (2013) Invasive moss alters patterns in life-history traits and functional diversity of spiders and carabids. Biological Invasions 15: 1089-1100.
(13) Schirmel J, Blindow I, Buchholz S (2012) Life-history trait and functional diversity patterns of ground beetles and spiders along a coastal heathland successional gradient. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 606-614.
(12) Mantilla-Contreras J, Schirmel J, Zerbe S (2012) Influence of soil and microclimate on species composition and grass encroachment in heath succession. Journal of Plant Ecology 5: 249-259.
(11) Wünsch Y, Schirmel J, Fartmann T (2012) Conservation management of coastal dunes for Orthoptera has to consider oviposition and nymphal preferences. Journal of Insect Conservation 16:501-510.
(10) Schirmel J, Mantilla-Contreras J, Blindow I, Fartmann T (2011) Impacts of succession and grass encroachment on heathland Orthoptera. Journal of Insect Conservation 15: 633-642
(9) Schirmel J, Buchholz S (2011) Response of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and spiders (Araneae) to coastal heathland succession. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 1469-1482.
(8) Schirmel J (2011) Response of the grasshopper Myrmeleotettix maculatus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) to invasion by the exotic moss Campylopus introflexus in acidic coastal dunes. Journal of Coastal Conservation 15: 159–162.
(7) Schirmel J, Timler L, Buchholz S (2011) Impact of the invasive moss Campylopus introflexus on carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and spiders (Araneae) in acidic coastal dunes at the southern Baltic Sea. Biological Invasions 13: 605–620.
(6) Schirmel J (2010) Short-term effects of modern heathland management measures on carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 8: 165–175.
(5) Schirmel J, Lenze S, Katzmann D, Buchholz S (2010) Capture efficiency of pitfall traps is highly affected by sampling interval. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136: 206–210.
(4) Buchholz S, Jess A-M, Hertenstein F, Schirmel J (2010) Effect of the colour of pitfall traps on their capture efficiency of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), spiders (Araneae) and other arthropods. European Journal of Entomology 107: 277–280.
(3) Schirmel J, Blindow I, Fartmann T (2010) The importance of habitat mosaics for Orthoptera (Caelifera and Ensifera) in dry heathlands. European Journal of Entomology 107: 129–132.
(2) Schirmel J, Buchholz S, Fartmann T (2010) Is pitfall trapping a valuable sampling method for grassland Orthoptera? Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 289–296.
(1) Buchholz S, Hannig K, Schirmel J (2009) Ground beetle assemblages of peat bog remnants in Northwest Germany (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Entomologia Generalis 32(2): 127–144.
Other journals
(20) Ergin K, Schirmel J (2023) Beeinflussen urbane Umweltstressoren den Reproduktionserfolg von Pseudochorthippus parallelus? Articulata 38: 85-96
(19) Stapf J, Röller O, Schirmel J (2021) Heuschreckengemeinschaften auf Wiesen und Weiden im Pfälzerwald. Articulata 36: 91-104.
(18) Stapf J, Röller O, Schirmel J (2021) Neue Nachweise der Grünen Strandschrecke (Aiolopus thalassinus) im Pfälzerwald. Pollichia Kurier 37: 33–34.
(17) Schirmel J, Entling MH, Eckerter PW (2020) Eichenschrecken als Hauptbeute des neozoischen Stahlblauen Grillenjägers Isodontia mexicana (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in der südpfälzischen Agrarlandschaft. Articulata 35: 149-160
(16) Schirmel J, Schmidt T, Loeb C, Joschko TJ, Schulz R (2019-2020) Gewässerlandschaften im Wandel: Laufkäfer und Fische an der Ökosystemforschungs-Anlage Eußerthal. Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch des grenzüberschreitenden Biosphärenreservates Pfälzerwald-Vosges du Nord 20: 126-143
(15) Buchholz S, Kasper J, Schirmel J, Hannig K (2020) Laufkäfererfassungen (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in vier Waldgebieten Westfalens (Nordrhein-Westfalen). Natur und Heimat 80: 81-90.
(14) Siegrist J, Schirmel J, Böse J (2017) Zur Bedeutung von Mahd und Beweidung für Laufkäfer (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in den Rüppurrer Wiesen bei Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg). Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 54: 241-250
(13) Schirmel J (2017) Phaneroptera falcata (Poda, 1761) jetzt auch auf Hiddensee. Articulata 32: 103-106
(12) Wagner J, Entling MH, Schirmel J (2016) Heuschrecken in biologisch und konventionell genutzten Weinbergen in der Pfalz. Articulata 31: 13-22
(11) Blick T, Blum E, Burger R, Burkei J, Buse J, Crusan B, De Bruyn U, uchamp L, Duguet M, Eller O, Entling MH, Fischer P, Fluck W, Frey W, Fritze M-A, Fuchs L, Genot J-C, Göppel H, Grimm F, Hagg M, Harbusch C, Idelberger S, Keller P, Kitt M, Koschwitz U, Lingenfelder U, Ludewig H-H, Malec F, Mangin S, Marx MT, Mörtter R, Muller Y, Muster C, Nickel H, Ochse M, Ott J, Petschner S, Pfalzer G, Pfeiffer MA, Post M, Radtke L, Reder G, Renker C, Rindchen G, Röller O, Ross H, Roth N, Schaubel K, Scheid C, Schindler H, Schirmel J, Schleich S, Schmidt C, Schmidt T, Schmolz M, Schneider M, Schwab G, Spieler P, Stark C, Strubel J, Walter J, Weber C, Weber D, Werno A (2013-2014) Eine Momentaufnahme aus der Flora und Fauna im grenzüberschreitenden Biosphärenreservat Pfälzerwald – Nordvogesen. Ergebnisse des 14. GEO-Tags der Artenvielfalt am 16. Juni 2012. Annales scientifiques de la réserve de Biosphère transfrontalière Vosges du Nord – Pfälzerwald 17: 29–69
(10) Alt M, Buhk C, Diehl D, Gerlach R, Rudolph I, Schirmel J, Theissinger K, Schaumann G (2013) Historical irrigated meadows at the river Queich, Rhineland-Palatinate. Berichte der DBG, DBG-Jahrestagung 2013, 07-12 September, Rostock.
(9) Schirmel J (2012) Die Laufkäferfauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) der Küstendünenheide auf der Insel Hiddensee (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg L-2011: 111–122.
(8) Schirmel J, Niehuis M (2011) Nachweis der Großen Schiefkopfschrecke - Ruspolia nitidula (Scopoli, 1786) - in Rheinland-Pfalz. Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz 12: 311–314.
(7) Buchholz S, Schirmel J (2011) Spinnen (Araneae) in Küstendünenheiden der Insel Hiddensee (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 41: 7–16.
(6) Schirmel J, Buchholz S (2010) Conservation value of dry grasslands in Westphalia (Northwest Germany) based on pitfall trap data of Orthoptera. Articulata 25: 185–198.
(5) Wünsch Y, Schirmel J, Fartmann T (2010) Habitatnutzung juveniler Myrmeleotettix maculatus (Caelifera: Gomphocerinae) und Platycleis albopunctata (Ensifera: Tettigoniinae) in Küstendünenheiden. Articulata 25: 167–183.
(4) Lendzion J, Schirmel J, Köppler A, Blindow I, Hampicke U, Zerbe S (2008) Biodiversität und Management von Salzgrasländern und Dünenheiden im Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft. In: Feit U, Korn H (eds) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt VIII : aktuelle Forschung im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt vorgestellt auf einer wissenschaftlichen Expertentagung an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm vom 25. - 29. August 2008. BFN-Skripten 243: 117–120.
(3) Schirmel J (2008) Hinweise zur Unterscheidung der Larven von Tettigonia cantans, T. caudata und T. viridissima im Freiland. Articulata 23: 69–72
(2) Schirmel J, Fartmann T (2007) Larvalökologie des Grünen Heupferds Tettigonia viridissima (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Articulata 22: 173–190
(1) Schirmel J, Fartmann T (2007) Gibt es Unterschiede in der tages- und jahreszeitlichen Aktivität von Tettigonia caudata und T. viridissima (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)? Articulata 22: 191–203
Book chapters
(1) Buhk C, Schirmel J, Gerlach R, Frör O (2018) Traditional water meadows – a sustainable management type for the future? In: Ondrasek G (ed) Irrigation in Agroecosystems´. IntechOpen 159-174
Biodiversity and recreational value of urban meadows
Ecological importance of floodplains of small streams
Impacts of invasive alien plants on animals
Litter decomposition in novel environments (LIDENO)
Long-term effects of liming on forest soil fauna
Monitoring of anthropogenic effects on small streams in Southern Palatinate
SystemLink: Bottom-up effects of copper and invasive plants on riparian communities
Forschungsmethoden der Ökologie (M8.2)
Indikatororganismen: Heuschrecken (AÖK1a / AÖK1b / M13.4 / M13.6)
Organismen und ihre Umwelt 1 (ÖKO3)
Anthropogenic Ecosystems (AÖKE / B4b / M13.2)
Zoologische Bestimmungsübungen (M6a.2 / M6b.2 / ÖKO1c)
Biologisches Kolloquium (M13.1)
Tagesexkursionen (M6a4 / M6b6)