Abgeschlossene Projekte AG Ökosystemanalyse
- Chrysoperla: Predicting predator activity in crop fields based on species-level information of floral resource distribution
- Ecology and Evolution of Mermessus trilobatus in Europe
- Effects of Juniper heathland management on carabid beetles
- Effects of meadow irrigation on biodiversity
- Flora der Pfalz: Aktualisierung und Gefährdungsanalysen ausgewählter Arten
- FRAGMENT: Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity and ecosystem services
- FRAGMENT III: Effects of spatio-temporal resource availability on pollinators and pest-natural enemies in fragmented agricultural landscapes
- GETREAL: Incorporating spatial and temporal variability in community sensitivity into chemical risk assessment. – Working Package 3: Determination and prediction of terrestrial species (spiders and earthworms) and assemblage sensitivity
- Grundwasser - der verborgene Lebensraum. Citizen-Science-Projekte im Vorfeld zur Landesgartenschau 2022 in Neuenburg am Rhein
- Impacts of climatic change on deciduous trees and their interactions
- Impacts of invasive alien plants on animals
- Importance of linear landscape elements for biodiversity
- MonViA: Hymenoptera in viticulture
- Non-consumptive effects of spiders on herbivore and carnivore prey
- NoViSys: Novel viticulture systems for sustainable production and products
- QUESSA: Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture
- Reproductive ecology of euglossine-pollinated plants
- Saproxylic beetles on ‚African’ vs. ‚European’ slopes in the Evolution Canyon, Israel
- SECBIVIT: Scenarios for providing multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in viticultural landscapes
- The spread and impact of an invasive spider across Europe
- TME Ants: Trait-mediated effects of ants on arthropods: from individuals to communities
- SystemLink: Bottom-up effects of copper and invasive plants on riparian communities [First cohort]
- Zertifizierung von Artenkenntnissen: Feldbotanik Südwestdeutschland
SystemLink: Bottom-up effects