Participants of the program


Program Coordinator

Dr. Katharina Voß

Participating persons of the five departments

1. Natural and Environmental Science

Prof. Dr. Oliver Frör

Environmental Economics

Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Jürg W. Spaak

Quantitative Landscape Ecology

Prof. Dr. Hermann Jungkunst

Geoecology & Physical Geography

Dr. Zacharias Steinmetz

Environmental and Soil Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling

Human Geography

Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Katherine A. Muñoz 

Organic and ecological Chemistry

2. Psychology

Prof. Dr. Michaela Maier

Communication Psychology

Dr. Claudia Menzel

Environmental Psychology

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reese

Environmental Psychology

Dr. Frauke Hahn

Exturnal Lecturer

Asst.-Prof. Christian von Sikorski

Political Pschology

Dr. Berend Barkela

Communication Psychology

4. Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Wilko Manz

Mobility and Transportation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Dittmer

Water Infrastructure Ressources

3. Spatial Planning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karina M. Pallagst

International Planning Systems


Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Mangels

Regional development and spatial planning

5. Economics

Prof. Dr. Katharina Spraul

Sustainability Management

Prof. Dr. Daniel Heyen

Environmental Economics