Weitere erfolgreiche Disputationen
Der Fachbereich freut sich über fünf weitere erfolgreiche Disputationen. Herzliche Glückwünsche an:
Stephen E. Osakpolor
Thema der Dissertation: Modelling the response of a terrestrial food web to a change in aquatic subsidies through environmental stress
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Shawn Leroux (extern)
Christine Anlanger
Thema der Dissertation: Interaction between flow hydrodynamics and biofilm attributes and functioning in stream ecosystems
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke, Prof. Dr. Markus Weitere (extern)
Verena Gerstle
Thema der Dissertation: Ecological effects of bti-based mosquito control on aquati-terrestrial linkages
Betreuung: APL Prof. Dr. Carsten Brühl, Prof. Dr. Martin Entling
Sara Lisa Kolbenschlag
Thema der Dissertation: The dynamics of aquatic subsidies: How disturbances can propagate from aquatic insects to riparian spiders, exemplified by Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis
Betreuung: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mirco Bunschuh, Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz
Daniel Schmitz
Thema der Dissertation: The effects of soil copper contamination and invasive plants on soil properties, microbial communities and plant growth in riparian habitats
Betreuung: PD Dr. Jens Schirmel, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh