Daniel Fenrich


Gebäude I, Raum 4.26
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau


Tel.: +49 6341 280 31528
E-Mail: daniel.fenrich (at) rptu.de


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter



Weitere Informationen

  • since 2023: Research fellow. Institute for Environmental Sciences, AG Prof. Frör: Environmental Economics, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
  • since 2019: Research fellow. Hohenheim Research Center for Bioeconomy, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
  • 2019: M.Sc. in Bioeconomy, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
  • 2016: B.Ed. in Biology and English (gymnasiales Lehramt), University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
  • Pavlenko, T., Paraforos, D. S., Fenrich, D., Braun, S., Murdoch, A., Tranter, R., ... & Engel, T. (2021). Increasing adoption of precision agriculture via gamification: the farming simulator case. In Precision agriculture’21 (pp. 803-810). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Sanna, F., & Fenrich, D. (2020). Addressing the current and Future skIll needs for sustainability, digitalization and the bio-Economy in agricuLture: European skills agenDa and Strategy.