Dr. Ana Patricia Calderon Quiñonez

Gebäude I, Raum 3.27
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau
Tel.: +49 6341 280 31580
E-Mail: patriciac.quinonez (at) rptu.de
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Projektkoordination BMBF PRODIGY
Weitere Informationen
- 2018 –2023 Ph.D. Ecology. Universität Potsdam, Germany
- 2015 PGDip in International Wildlife Conservation Practice. University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- 2011 – May 2013 MS. Conservation Biology. College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York -SUNY-ESF, United States of America
- 2003 – 2010 B.S. Biology. San Carlos University of Guatemala-USAC, Guatemala
- 2015 – 2018 Country Coordinator, Panthera Inc. Jaguar Corridor Program-Guatemala
- 2014 Contract Biologist, Panthera Inc. Project: Jaguar Corridor Initiative
- 2013 – 2014 Contract Biologist, Wildlife Conservation Society-WCS
Kraker, C., Calderón, A.P., Cabrera, A. (Eds.). 2019. Research Perspectives on wild Mammals of Guatemala. Publisher: Guatemalan Mastozoological Society. 263pp. ISBN: 978-9929-726-33-8
Calderón, A.P., Landaverde-Gonzalez, P., Wultsch, C., Foster, R., Harmsen, B., Figueroa, O., Garcia-Anleu, R., Castañeda, F., Amato, G. Grimm, V., Kramer-Schadt, S., Zeller, K.A. In press. Modelling jaguar gene flow in fragmented landscapes offers insights into functional population connectivity. Landscape Ecology.
Calderón, A.P., Louvrier, J., Planillo, A., Araya-Gamboa, D., Arroyo-Arce, S., Barrantes-Núñez, M., Carazo-Salazar, J., Corrales-Gutiérrez, D., Doncaster, C.P., Foster, R., García, M.J., Garcia-Anleu, R., Harmsen, B., Hernández-Potosme, S., Leonardo, R., Trigueros, D.M., McNab, R., Meyer, N., Moreno, R., Salom-Pérez, R., Sauma Rossi, A., Thomson, I., Thornton, D., Urbina, Y., Grimm, V., Kramer-Schadt, S. 2022. Occupancy models reveal potential of conservation prioritization for Central American jaguars. Animal Conservation 25(5): 680-691. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12772
Figel, J., Castañeda, F., Calderón, A.P. 2018. Threatened amphibians sheltered under the big cat’s umbrella: a conservation evaluation of jaguars Panthera onca (Carnivora: Felidae) and endemic herpetofauna in Nuclear Central America. Revista de Biologia Tropical 66(4):1741-1753. DOI: 10.15517/rbt.v66i4.32544
Petracca L., Frair J.L., Cohen J.B., Calderón, AP., et al. 2018. Robust inference on large-scale species habitat use with interview data: The status of jaguars outside protected areas in Central America. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(2):723-734. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12972