Instructions for Authors

Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations in the PLPF10 meeting

Abstracts can be submitted till 25 of May 2025

Please keep the following in mind before submitting your abstract:

  • Abstracts must be clear and written in English
  • Abstract title: max 180 characters (with spaces), not in all caps;
  • Abstract text: max 250 words in a single paragraph. The body of the text must not contain figures, photos or tables.
  • Topic: please check the List of topics before submitting;
  • Presentation preference: Oral presentation or Poster presentation.
  • (Co-)authors: name, affiliation and email address
  • Awards: if you are a junior scientist (MSc student, PhD student or a scientist within 1 year after MSc or PhD degree), you can apply for the Best Oral or Poster Presentation. Only ONE presentation per author will be considered for the award. If more than one presentation is indicated, none of the presentations will be evaluated.
  • Any author can be the presenting author who will be the corresponding author.
  • To encourage a broad participation, authors are limited to giving two presentations, but only one oral. There are no restrictions on co-authorship.
  • Abstracts will be revised by peer reviewers.
  • By submitting your abstract, you give permission to publish it in the abstract book.
  • ALL presenting authors have to register and pay before 25 of June 2025 (in accordance with discounts offered by two hotels)
  • Late abstract submission can be done until July 25 but only as poster.
  • Late registration:  August 11 (likely without dinner; or dinner cannot be guaranteed, neither the excursion)
  • Go to the abstract submission site.