AG Num Sim Gruppenbild Hundertmark, Klug, Schmitz, Richter

Numerische Simulation

AG Numerische Simulation

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Fachbereich Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften
Institut für Mathematik
Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau
Gebäude I, 1. OG

Prof. Dr. Anna Hundertmark

Tanja Gutzler



In der AG Numerische Simulation werden Veränderungsprozesse aus verschiedensten Lebensbereichen wie Mathematik, Physik, Meteorologie, Hydrologie und Medizintechnik modelliert und simuliert.

Die grundlegenden  Modelle solcher Veränderungsprozesse sind dabei stets Gewöhnliche oder Partielle Differentialgleichungen. Die Analyse des entsprechenden Mathematischen Modells (z.B. korrekte Problemstellung, Existenz von Lösungen), das Finden von geeigneten Approximationen  der Lösungen durch numerische Diskretisierungsmethoden und die Stabilität dieser Approximationsverfahren sind dabei zentrale Punkte.


Forschungsprojekte der AG Numerische Simulation

Projekte Übersicht

  • CZS-Projekt AI-Care:  „Artificial Intelligence for treating Cancer therapy Resistance“.
  • BMBF Verbundprojekt MLgSA: "Daten- und Simulationsgestützte Exploration, Analyse und Behandlung von Gefäßverengungen zur Prävention von ischämischen Schlaganfällen."
  • Projekt GEL: "Supersonic Flow Simulations and Impactation Processes"

Projeke Übersicht

  • Projekt FSI-COMPLEX FLUIDS (HU 1885/1-2, ZA 613/1-1): "Mathematische Modellierung und numerische Simulation von Fluid-Struktur Wechselwirkung für komplexe viskose Fluide"

Publikationen der AG Numerische Simulation

  • Design study of a rocket-borne free-flow aerosol collector for supersonic speed deployment by means of numerical efficiency analyses, B. Klug, R. Weigel, K. Kandler, M. Baumgartner, A. Hundertmark, T. Böttger, K. D. Wilhelm, H. Rott, T. Kenntner, Preprint 2024.

  • Simulation of Compliance in a Humanoid Carotid Artery with Resistance Boundary Conditions, K. Richter,  T. Probst, A. Hundertmark, Proceedings Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2025, Prague, 2025, pp. 201,
  • Fabrication, characterization and numerical validation of a novel thin-wall hydrogel vessel model for cardiovascular research based on a patient-specific stenotic carotid artery bifurcation, Shiravand, A., Richter, K., Willmann, P., Eulzer P., Lawonn K., Hundertmark A., Cattaneo G., Sci Rep 14, 16301 (2024).
  • Instantaneous Visual Analysis of Blood Flow in StenoseUsing Morphological Similarity, P. Eulzer, K. Richter, A. Hundertmark, R. Wickenhöfer, C. M. Klingner, K. Lawonn, Computer Graphics forum Vol 43 (2024), Nr 3,
  • COMSOL ® simulations of supersonic flow fields to study trajectories of aerosols and their impact efficiency on a rocket- borne particle collector, Klug B. S., Hundertmark A., Weigel R., Comsol Conference 2023 Munich, 2023, ISBN 978-1-7364524-1-7, download pdf.
  • Utilizing COMSOL® in a workflow to assess stroke risks in a large set of patients carotid arteries, Probst T., Richter K., Hundertmark, A., Comsol Conference 2023 Munich, 2023, ISBN 978-1-7364524-1-7, download pdf.
  • Visualizing Carotid Stenoses for Stroke Treatment and Prevention,  P. Eulzer, K. Richter, A. Hundertmark, M. Meuschke, R. Wickenhöfer, C. M. Klingner, K. Lawonn, EUROVIS 2023/ T. W. Kuhlen and R. G. Raidou (Dirk Bartz Prize).
  • Longitudinal wall shear stress evaluation using centerline projection approach in the numerical simulations of the patient-based carotid artery,  T. Probst, K. Richter, A. Hundertmark, P. Eulzer, K. Lawonn),  Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2024 Mar; 27(3):347-364, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2023.2185478, arXiv:2204.04018
  • Automatic Cutting and Flattening of Carotid Artery Geometries , P. Eulzer, K. Richter, M. Meuschke, A. Hundertmark, and K. Lawonn, in Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2021, (Editors: S. Oeltze-Jafra, N. N. Smit, and B. Sommer), diglib
  • The effect of turbulence on the accretional growth of graupel , Jost A, Szakall M., Diehl K., Mitra S. K., A. Hundertmark,  Klug B. S., Borrmann S.,  Journal of  the Athmospheric Sciences, 2019, published online
  • Luka Grubisic, Vadim Kostrykin, Konstantin A. Makarov, Kresimir Veselic, Stephan Schmitz,The Tan 2Theta Theorem in Fluid Dynamics, J. Spectr. Theory 9 (2019), no.4, 1431-1457  (online first DOI 10.4171/JST/282) [arXiv 1708.00509].
  • On the convergence of the fixed point iterations for geometry in a fluid-structure interaction problem, A. Hundertmark, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 267, Issue 12, 2019, p. 7002-70462, published online
  • A rescaling algorithm for the numerical solution to the porous media equation in a two-component domain, J. Filo, A. Hundertmark-Zaušková, accepted in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, published online 31 of March 2016, doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.03.011
  • Numerical simulation of glottal flow in surgically changed larynx , A. Hundertmark-Zaušková,  R. Lehmann, M.Hess, F. Müller), Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2016, Ed. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 16, Issue 1, p. 843–844, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610410
  • On the existence of weak solution to the coupled  fluid-structure interaction problem for non-Newtonian shear dependent fluid, A. Hundermark-Zaušková, M. Lukacova, S. Necasova), Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol. 68, No 1, January 2016, 193-243, (accepted 2014), doi:10.2969/jmsj/06810193
  • Konstantin A. Makarov, Stephan Schmitz, Albrecht Seelmann, On invariant graph subspaces, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 85 (2016), 399 - 425 [arXiv 1509.07984].
  • Stephan Schmitz, Representation Theorems for indefinite quadratic forms without spectral gap, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 83 (2015), 73-94 [arXiv 1409.2409].
  • Kinematic splitting algorithm for fluid-structure interaction in hemodynamics, M. Lukacova, G. Rusnakova, A. Hundertmark-Zaušková,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 265, 2013, 83-106, sciencedirect
  • Numerical simulation of glottal flow, A. Hundertmark-Zaušková, R. Lehmann, M. Hess, F. Mueller), Computers in Biology and Medicine 43/12, 2013, 2177-2185, sciencedirect
  • Numerical study of shear-dependent non-Newtonian fluids in compliant vessels, A. Hundertmark-Zaušková, M. Lukacova, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 60, 2010,  572-590 sciencedirect
  • Large time step finite volume evolution Galerkin methods , A. Hundertmark-Zaušková, M. Lukacova, F. Prill , Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 48 Issue 1-3, 2011, pp 227-240, springerlink, published online 2010, DOI:10.1007/s10915-010-9443-5
  • 2D Navier-Stokes Equations in a Time Dependent Domain with Neumann Type Boundary Conditions, J. Filo, A. Zaušková,  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 10, 2010, 1 - 46 springerlink, published online 2008,
  • Numerical modelling of shear-thinning non-Newtonian flows in compliant vessels, Anna Zaušková and Mária Lukáčová-Medvid'ová, PAMM 2007, Vol 7,
  • Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in Compliant Vessels, M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, Anna Zaušková, Proceedings of ECCOMAS 2008, Venice 2008
  • Numerical Modelling of Shear-Thinning non-Newtonian Flow in Compliant Vessels, M. Lukáčová-Medviďová, Anna Zaušková, Proceedings of ICIAM 2007, Zürich 2007
  • Numerical study of shear-dependent non-Newtonian fluids in compliant vessels ,M. Lukacova, Anna Zaušková , Report TUHH, 2007
  • Mathematical models of flow in elastic tubes, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 55, No 12/s, 2004, 32-35

  • Luka Grubisic, Vadim Kostrykin, Konstantin A. Makarov, Kresimir Veselic, Stephan Schmitz, Diagonalization of indefinite saddle point forms,  in "Analysis as a Tool in Mathematical Physics: in Memory of Boris Pavlov" K. Kurasov, A. Laptev, S. Naboko and B. Simon (eds), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 276, 2020 ( ISBN 978-3-030-31530-6), arXiv 1710.05105.
  • On the weak solution of the fluid-structure interaction problem for shear-dependent fluid (with M.Lukacova, S. Necasova), Recent Developments of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics edited by H. Amann, Y. Giga, H.Kozono, H.Okamoto and M.Yamazaki, Series of Advanced in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Birkhauser Verlag, ISBN 978-3-0348-0939-9, © 2016  (accepted 2014) 
  • Fluid-structure interaction for shear-dependent fluids non-Newtonian fluids, Topics in mathematical modeling and analysis,  (Hundertmark-Zaušková, M. Lukáčová-Medvid'ová, G. Rusnakova), Jindrich Necas Center for Mathematical Modeling, Lecture notes, Vol. 7, Part IV,  2012, 109-158

  • A Dataset of Reconstructed Carotid Bifurcation Lumen and Plaque Models with Centerline Tree and Simulated Hemodynamics (2.0.0), Eulzer, P., Richter, K., Probst, T., Hundertmark, A., & Lawonn, K. (2024) [Data set]. Zenodo.

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