Axel Prestes Dürrnagel



Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau
Building I, Room 3.28


Visiting hours:

please request an appointment via mail

Further Information


  • PRODIGY: “Process-based & Resilience-Oriented management of DIversity Generates sustainabilitY“. Funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Period: 2024 – 2025. Role: Researcher in the work package on Governance and Society (WP3, Regional Diversity in Conversion)
  • DFG Research Unit 2757 LoSAM: “Local Self Governance in the context of Weak Statehood in Antiquity and the Modern Era”. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Period: 2019 - 2023. Role: Researcher in the Subproject of Social and Population Geography: Urban Shadow Spaces in the Postcolonial State: Self-organisation of Land and Water Resources in the Periphery of Maputo (Mozambique)


Research Focus

  • Urban and Social Geography
  • Human-environment interactions
  • Land and resource governance and conflicts
  • Socio-spatial displacement processes
  • State-society interactions
  • Community-based governance of protected areas


Geographic Focus

  • South America (especially MAP region and Brazil)
  • Southern Africa (especially Mozambique)
  • South Germany
  • Portugal



  • Space, place, and life-world phenomenology
  • Governance and actor perspectives 
  • Political ecology
  • Critical realism



  • Qualitative and interpretive social science research
  • Ethnographic approaches and qualitative research methods such as interviews, participant observation, and visual methods
  • Participatory workshops and future methods

02/2024 - today

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Research Group Human Geography, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau

04/2019 – 02/2024

Research Associate and PhD Candidate at the Chair of Social and Population Geography, University of Bayreuth

05/2021 – 10/2021

Visiting Researcher and Lecturer at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), Maputo, Mozambique

09/2017 – 05/2019

Tour Guide for study trips to Australia and Portugal, Sudiosus Reisen GmbH, München

04/2017 – 08/2017

Project Assistant for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, adelphi research GmbH, Berlin

10/2013 – 03/2016

Master of Arts in Latin American Studies, University of Hamburg

03/2015 – 03/2016

Academic exchange at the Urban and Regional Research and Planning Institute (IPPUR), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil

10/2008 – 09/2013

Bachelor of Science in Human Geography, University of Würzburg

08/2010 – 06/2011

Academic exchange at the Department of Geography,

Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico

Journal articles

Prestes Dürrnagel, A.; Sueia Junior, M.; Prestes Dürrnagel, S. (2022): Agricultura Urbana, Relações e Desenvolvimento: Um Olhar Sobre Maputo, Moçambique. In Boletim GeoÁfrica, 1 (2), pp. 96-119.

Prestes Dürrnagel, A.; Rothfuß, E.; Thomschke, S. (2021): Die Stadt als Ko-Kreation? Selbstorganisation von Land- und Wasserressourcen in der städtischen Peripherie von Maputo. In: Geographische Rundschau, 10, pp. 16-21.


Book chapters

Prestes Dürrnagel, A.; Tiegna, J. (2023): Local Self-Organisation under Socio-Spatial Pressure: Insights from Rural Karangasso- Vigué (Burkina Faso) and Peri-Urban Maputo (Mozambique). In: D. Krüger, C. Mohamad-Klotzbach & R. Pfeilschifter (Hrsg.): Local Self-Governance in Antiquity and in the Global South. De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston, pp. 439-464.

Prestes Dürrnagel, A.; Sueia Junior, M.; Prestes Dürrnagel, S. (2022): Desenvolvimento Através de Relações? O Caso da Agricultura Urbana em Maputo. In: A. Gomes de Jesus Neto, F. Monié, H. Gelo Machute, J. J. Júnior Guambe, L. Alves Lessa, M. Abdul Remane & N. C. Pacheco Junior (eds..): Anais. Iº Seminário Internacional GeoÁfrica. Áfricas em Movimentos. Economias, Sociedades e Espaços na África Subsaariana. Rio de Janeiro / Maputo, pp. 496-520.


Other publications

Prestes Dürrnagel, A. (2023): Urbane Landnutzungskonflikte am Beispiel der schnell wachsenden afrikanischen Großstadt Maputo (Mosambik). In: M. Doevenspeck & G. Schruefer (Hrsg.): Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie, vol. 12, pp. 155-165.

University of Bayreuth

Seminar: Gesellschaft-Umwelt-Beziehungen (Seminar: Society-Environment Relationships), Bachelor  (winter semester 2023/2024)


Seminar: Methodologie der Gesellschaft-Umwelt-Forschung (Seminar: Methodology of Society-Environment Research), Bachelor (winter semester 2023/2024)


Geländeübung Regensburg (1-Day Field Trip to Regensburg), with E. Rothfuß, Bachelor/Master (summer semester 2023)


Große Geländeübung Portugal (12-Day Field Trip to Portugal), with E. Rothfuß, Bachelor/Master (summer semester 2023)


Vorbereitungsseminar Große Geländeübung Portugal (Preparatory Seminar for Field Trip to Portugal), with E. Rothfuß, Bachelor/Master (summer semester 2023)


Geländeübung Human- und Physische Geographie (4-Day Fieldwork Tutorial in Human and Physical Geography), with S. Thomschke, Bachelor (summer semester 2019)


“Sustainable land use futures through knowledge co-creation? Insights from the Southwestern Amazon”. 5th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme, Oaxaca, Mexico


“Desafios e oportunidades em unidades de conservação: um olhar comparativo entre Europa Central e Amazônia Ocidental” ("Challenges and opportunities in protected areas: a comparative perspective on Central Europe and Western Amazonia"). Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC), Rio Branco, Brazil


“Peri-urban life-worlds contested: Everyday experiences, governance, and conflicts at the rural-urban interface of Maputo, Mozambique” Disputation presentation. University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth.


„Raumerfahrungen und Ortsverluste peri-urbaner Lebenswelten: Empirische Befunde aus Maputo, Mosambik“ (“ Experiences of space and loss of place in peri-urban life-worlds: Empirical findings from Maputo, Mozambique”). AK Raumphänomenologie, Würzburg)


„Urbane Landnutzungskonflikte am Beispiel einer schnell wachsenden afrikanischen Großstadt – Maputo/Mosambik“ (“Urban land use conflicts based on the example of a rapidly growing African city - Maputo/Mozambique”). 12. Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie, Bayreuth


„Urbanisierungsdynamiken und sozial-räumliche Konflikte in Maputo, Mosambik“ (“Urbanisation dynamics and socio-spatial conflicts in Maputo, Mozambique”). KoordinierungsKreis Mosambik e.V. Online


„Desenvolvimento através de relações? O caso da Agricultura Urbana em Maputo” (“‘Development through relationships? The case of Urban Agriculture in Maputo”). With M. Siueia Júnior & Simone Prestes Dürrnagel. Iº Seminário Internacional GeoÁfrica. Áfricas em Movimentos. Economias, Sociedades e Espaços na África Subsaariana. Online


„Peri-urban agriculture in Maputo: Can collective action withstand socio-spatial pressures?" 2nd Cologne Conference on Food for Future 2021. Poster presentation. Online.


„Traditional self-organisation under socio spatial pressure: Insights from rural Karangasso Vigué and peri urban Maputo“. With Janneke Tiegna. International Conference of the DFG Research Unit 2757 LoSAM, Local Self-Governance and Weak Statehood: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, University of Würzburg. Online


„Periurbane Landgovernance in Maputo, Mosambik“ (“‘Peri-urban land governance in Maputo, Mozambique”). Jahrestagung des DGfG-Arbeitskreises Subsaharisches Afrika (AKSA). Online


„O Direito à Cidade e a Salvaguarda da Agricultura Urbana“ (“‘The Right to the City and the Preservation of Urban Agriculture”) I Jornadas Científicas sobre o "Direito à Cidade e os desafios na implementação da Nova Agenda Urbana em Moçambique". Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo & UN-Habitat Mozambique. Online


“Embracing transformations through collective self-organisation? Lessons from peri-urban Maputo“ Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association 2021. University Bern. Online