Dr. Jakob Wolfram

Gebäude I, Raum 4.06
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau
Postdoctoral researcher
Large-Scale Ecotoxicology
Program advisor for
M.Sc. Ecotoxicology
CMS administrator for Environment and Ecotoxicology
Weitere Informationen
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology
- Pesticide Exposure and Risk Assessment
- Meta-Analyses
- Data aggregation and visualization
- EXT1c - Monitoring and Assessment of effects
(SS, english) - ETX4b - Suborganismis and physiological effects
- Effects of chemical stressors I (WS, english) - ETX5b - Computer/Field/Lab Course
- Effects of chemical stressors II (WS, english) - ETX9c - Data Retrieval and IT Expertise for Risk Assessment
(WS, english) - RPC - Research Project Course
(WS/SS, english) - UWI2a - Informationsbeschaffung und Abstraktion
(SS, deutsch) - UWI2b - Untersuchung, Darstellung und Präsentation
(WS, deutsch) - UWI3b - Projekt Umweltwissenschaften
(WS, deutsch) - BP - Vorträge Berufspraktika
(WS, SS, deutsch)
- Getting started with R - The basics of data analysis
(online, on-demand, 1-day) - Data analytics in R - An extended look into data analysis with hands-on experience
(online, on-demand, 3-5d)
- ETX4a - Principles of Toxicology - Effects of chemical stressors I
(WS, english) - GEO4a - Prozesse in Agrarökosystemen I
(WS, deutsch) - GEO4b - Prozesse in Agrarökosystemen II
(WS, deutsch) - GEO5a - Raum- und Landschaftsplanung
(WS, deutsch) - GEO5b - Umweltplanung
(WS, deutsch)
- Program Advisor for the M.Sc. Ecotoxicology in Landau (2020 - present)
- PhD-study (October 2016 - present); Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau
- Diploma Thesis (September 2016): Combined and chronic effects of a fungicide mixture on the population integrity of the key shredder Gammarus fossarum
- Study of Environmental Sciences (October 2008 until October 2016), University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
- Macro-Ecotoxicology: Spatial and Causal Implications of Insecticide Contamination in Surface Waters (DFG Project). concluded
- Förderinitiative Pestizide: Pestizide in Schutzgebieten: Vorkommen, Bewertung, Maßnahmen (DBU, 2021) concluded
- Förderinitiative Pestizide: Pestizide in Schutzgebieten: Relevanz für die aquatische Biodiversität und Wasserversorgung (DBU, 2022)
- Patterns and dynamics of the potential environmental risks associated with agricultural pesticide use: Global Total Applied Toxicity (gTAT) (DFG Project)
- Development and assessment of a toxicity-based approach to derive pesticide impact trends for various spatial units. (data aggregation, analysis and visualization)
- Global assessment of agricultural pesticide impacts and associated ecological risks for multiple organismic groups (data procurement, aggregation, analysis and visualization)
- Global meta-analysis of neonicotinoids in agricultural surface waters (literature synthesis)
- Uncovering the occurence of pesiticides in natural preservation areas in Germany coupled with an ecotoxicological and geospatial assessment (data procurement, aggregation, analysis, visualization)
- Field monitoring of pesticide occurence in natural protection areas and drinking water areas in southwest Germany (field measurements, data analysis, visualization)
- Meta-anylsis on insecticide occurence in Indian surface waters (supervision)
- Continental risk assessment of European waterbodies for the last two decades (data aggregation, analysis, and visualization)
- Developing an ecotoxicological graph database to harmonize ancillary data providers. (data aggregation)
- Risk assessment of commonly used insecticides in U.S. urban waterways (literature synthesis)
- Risk assessment of commonly used insecticides in U.S. agricultural streams (literature synthesis)
- Identifying drivers of insecticide risk in agricultural surface waters and their sediments for the United States (literature synthesis, data aggregation, and modelling)
- Derivation of pesticide use and sales estimates from dark data for Germany (literature synthesis, aggregation, visualization)
- Improving risk communication techniques for scientific findings to effectively inform public stakeholders of most recent advances in risk assessment research. (socio-psychological research)
- Schulz, R.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Stehle, S.; Wolfram, J., Applied pesticide toxicity shifts toward plants and invertebrates, even in GM crops. Science 2021, 372, (6537), 81-84.
- Wolfram, J.; Stehle, S.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Schulz, R., Water quality and ecological risks in European surface waters–Monitoring improves while water quality decreases. Environ. Int. 2021, 152, 106479.
- Stehle, S.; Bline, A.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Wolfram, J.; Schulz, R., Aquatic pesticide exposure in the US as a result of non-agricultural uses. Environ. Int. 2019, 133, 105234.
- Herrmann, LZ.; Bub, S.; Wolfram, J.; Stehle, S.; Petschick, LL.; Schulz, R. (2023) Large monitoring datasets reveal high probabilities for intermittent occurrences of pesticides in European running waters. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EUROPE, 35 (1). DOI Link
- Feckler, A.; Wolfram, J.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2023) Reducing pollution to levels not harming biodiversity and ecosystem functions: A perspective on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & HEALTH, 35. DOI Link
- Bub, S.; Wolfram, J.; Petschick, L. L.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. (2023) Trends of total applied pesticide toxicity in German agriculture. In: Environmental Science and Technology. DOI Link
- Stehle, Sebastian; Ovcharova, Viktoriia; Wolfram, Jakob; Bub, Sascha; Herrmann, Larissa Zoe; Petschick, Lara Luisa; Schulz, Ralf(2023) Neonicotinoid insecticides in global agricultural surface waters - Exposure, risks and regulatory challenges. In: The Science of the total environment 867, S. 161383. DOI Link
- Wolfram, J.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Schemmer, A.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R.(2023) Pesticide occurrence in protected surface waters in nature conservation areas of Germany. In: Sci Total Environ 858, S. 160074. DOI Link
- Schulz, R.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Stehle, S.; Wolfram, J. (2021) Applied pesticide toxicity shifts toward plants and invertebrates, even in GM crops. In: Science 372, S. 81–84. DOI Link
- Wolfram, J.; Petschick, L. L.; Bub, S.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. (2021) Water quality and ecological risks in European surface waters – Monitoring improves while water quality decreases. In: Environment International 152, S. 106479. DOI Link
- Heinemann, N.; Bub, S.; Wolfram, J.; Stehle, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Schulz, R.(2020) A compendium of chemical class and use type open access databases. In: Data 5, S. 114. DOI Link
- Bub, S.; Wolfram, J.; Stehle, S.; Petschick, L. L.; Schulz, R. (2019) Graphing Ecotoxicology: The MAGIC graph for linking environmental data on chemicals. In: Data 4, S. 34. DOI Link
- Petschick, L. L.; Bub, S.; Wolfram, J.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. (2019) Modeling regulatory threshold levels for pesticides in surface waters from effect databases. In: Data 4, S. 150. DOI Link
- Stehle, S.; Bline, A.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L.; Wolfram, J.; Schulz, R.(2019) Aquatic pesticide exposure in the U.S. as a result of non-agricultural uses. In: Environment International 133, S. 105234. DOI Link
- Wolfram, J.; Petschick, L. L.; Bub, S.; Stehle, S.; Schulz, R. (2019) Insecticide risk in United States surface waters: drivers and spatiotemporal modeling. In: Environmental Science & Technology 53, S. 12071–12080. DOI Link
- Wolfram, J.; Stehle, S.; Bub, S.; Petschick, L.L.; Schulz, R.(2018) Meta-analysis of Insecticides in U.S. Surface Waters: Status and Future Implications. In: Environmental Science & Technology 52, S. 14452–14460. DOI Link
- Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Wolfram, J.; Rosenfeldt, R. R.; Feckler, A.; Bundschuh, Seitz, F.; Konschak, M.; Baudy, P.; Lüderwald, S.; Fink, P.; Lorke, A.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2017) Long-term effects of fungicides on leaf-associated microorganisms and shredder populations – an artificial stream study. In: Environ Toxicol Chem 36, S. 2178–2189. DOI Link
- Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Rosenfeldt, R. R.; Wolfram, J.; Lüderwald, S.; Wallace, D.; Schnetzer, N.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M.(2015) The relative importance of diet-related and waterborne effects of copper for a leaf-shredding invertebrate. In: Environ Pollut 205, S. 16–22. DOI Link
- Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Wolfram, J.; Wallace, D.; Schnetzer, N.; Baudy, P.; Konschak, M.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2015) Waterborne toxicity and diet-related effects of fungicides in the key leaf shredder Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda). In: Aquat Toxicol 169, S. 105–112. DOI Link