Helena Soraya Bayat


E-Mail: bayat.h (at) rptu.de


  • Scientist

Additional information

The role of individual tolerance for community assembly during degradation and recovery.


  • Multiple stressors
  • Stress ecology
  • Ecological and ecotoxicological modelling
  • Interdisciplinary research
since 07.2021PhD student in the group Quantitative Landscape Ecology at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
09.2019 - 06.2021MSc in Environmental Science, emphasis Chemistry, Toxicology, & Health, University of Copenhagen (Thesis: The effect of food level on individual and mixture toxicity of prochloraz and benzalkonium chloride in Caenorhabditis elegans: Comparing dynamic energy budget and classic concentration-response modelling approaches)
09.2014 - 06.2018BSc in Environmental Toxicology, University of California Davis (Thesis: Characterization of Thirdhand Smoke Constituents on Aged Smoke-Exposed Fabrics using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry)
