Current projects

  • SYSTEMLINK - Research Training Group: Crossing boundaries - Propagation of in-stream environmental alterations to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems (funded by DFG)

Past projects

  • RESIST - Collaborative Research Centre: Multilevel response to stressor increase and release in stream ecosystems (funded by DFG)
  • Disconnected: Integrating spatial complexity in multiple stressor research (funded by DFG)
  • Response of freshwater invertebrates to natural and anthropogenic stress gradients across continents (funded by DFG)
  • Quantification of effects from multiple agricultural stressors using genomic methods (funded by DFG)
  • Pesticide-driven biodiversity loss in a region with traditional land use (funded by DFG)
  • Edge effects of pesticides? Landscape-level perspective on adaptation to pesticide effects (funded by DFG)
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of aquatic-terrestrial predator-prey relationships (funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation)
  • Effects of fungicides on microbial communities and leaf decomposition (funded by DFG)
  • GETREAL - Incorporating spatial and seasonal variability in community sensitivity into chemical risk assessment (funded by CEFIC)
    -> Download summary
  • Modelling the spatial distribution of aquatic invertebrates constrained by environmental stressors (funded by the Graduate Academy BMU)
  • Geostatistical analysis of chemical exposure and ecological quality of river networks (associated with Graduate Academy SERIOR)
  • Statistical analysis of pesticide monitoring data (funded by the German Environmental Agency - UBA)
  • Statistical analysis of pesticide monitoring data (funded by the German Environmental Agency - UBA)
  • Forecasting ion concentrations in surface waters considering global environmental change (funded by the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam)
  • Influence of land-use related stressors on aquatic-terrestrial linkages (Aufland-AQUATER - funded by MBBWK Rheinland Pfalz)
  • Effects of land use on the coupling of terrestrial and aquatic food webs (Aufland-AQUATER - funded by MBBWK Rheinland Pfalz)
  • SALIDRAA جوج: Ecological and socio-economic impacts of river salinization in the Maroccan Draa valley (funded by BMBF)
  • Influence of neonicotinoids on trophic relations and ecosystem processes (funded by DFG)
  • Evaluation of dilution factors for effluents from WWTPs used in chemical risk assessment (funded by the German Environment Agency)
  • Quantification of large scale effects of pesticides on freshwater ecosystems (funded by the German Environmental Agency)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from streams and rivers along a steep biogeochemical gradient (funded by DFG)
  • Cumulative risk assessment of pesticides and salinity in freshwater ecosystems using species traits (funded by DFG)
  • This project involved the development of a trait-based indicator for effects of salinity in freshwater ecosystems (SPEARsalinity)
  • More information on the project (in german)
    More information on the SPEAR indicator system including SPEARsalinity
  • QUANTification of the influence of current use fungicides and climate change on allochthonous Organic MATter decomposition in streams (QUANTOMAT) (funded by DFG)
  • Organic matter processing and greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ecosystems (funded by DAAD)
  • Influence of land use on invertebrate biodiversity and ecosystem functioning on a regional scale (funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung)