Dr. Verena C. Schreiner
E-Mail: schreiner.verena (at) rptu.de
Additional information
since 05.2020 | Responsible for scientific aspects of the ecotoxicology lab |
since 05.2020 | Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Quantitative Landscape Ecology at the University Koblenz Landau, Campus Landau |
since 03.2018 | Participation in the Nationwide Monitoring of Small Streams (https://www.ufz.de/kgm/) |
06.2014 - 0.5.2020 | PhD student in the group of Quantitative Landscape Ecology at the University Koblenz Landau, Campus Landau |
01.2014 - 05.2014 | Research assistant in the work group of Quantitative Landscape Ecology, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau |
11.2013 - 12.2013 | Research assistant at Senckenberg Research Station Gelnhausen, Conservation Management |
01.2013 - 10.2013 | Research assistant at Senckenberg Research Station Gelnhausen, River Ecosystem Management |
10.2010 - 12.2012 | Master of Science Organismic Biology, University of Marburg (Thesis: Variation in diet of Isoperla sp. (Plecoptera) and Rhyacophila sp. (Trichoptera) larvae across an elevational gradient) |
09.2007 - 09.2010 | Bachelor of Science Biology, University of Heidelberg (Thesis: Der Heidelberger Mühlbach – ein Biotop in Gefahr: Ökologie und Ökotoxikologie eines vom Menschen stark beeinflussten Baches) |
- Schreiner, V.C., Bakanov, N., Kattwinkel, M., Könemann, S., Kunz, S., Vermeirssen, E.L.M., Schäfer, R.B., 2020. Sampling rates for passive samplers exposed to a field-relevant peak of 42 organic pesticides. Science of The Total Environment 740, 140376
- Neale, P.A., Braun, G., Brack, W., Carmona, E., Gunold, R., König, M., Krauss, M., Liebmann, L., Liess, M., Link, M., Schäfer, R.B., Schlichting, R., Schreiner, V.C., Schulze, T., Vormeier, P., Weisner, O., Escher, B.I., 2020. Assessing the Mixture Effects in In Vitro Bioassays of Chemicals Occurring in Small Agricultural Streams during Rain Events. Environ. Sci. Technol
- Scharmüller, A., Schreiner, V.C., Schäfer, R.B., 2020. Standartox: Standardizing Toxicity Data. Data 5, 46
- Graf, N., Battes, K.P., Cimpean, M., Entling, M.H., Frisch, K., Link, M., Scharmüller, A., Schreiner, V.C., Szöcs, E., Zubrod, J.P., Schäfer, R.B., 2020. Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the field. Environmental Sciences Europe 32
- Graf, N., Battes, K.P., Cimpean, M., Dittrich, P., Entling, M.H., Link, M., Scharmüller, A., Schreiner, V.C., Szöcs, E., Schäfer, R.B., 2019. Do agricultural pesticides in streams influence riparian spiders? Science of The Total Environment
- Schreiner, V.C., Feckler, A., Fernández, D., Frisch, K., Muñoz, K., Szöcs, E., Zubrod, J.P., Bundschuh, M., Rasmussen, J.J., Kefford, B.J., Axelsen, J., Cedergreen, N., Schäfer, R.B., 2018. Similar recovery time of microbial functions from fungicide stress across biogeographical regions. Scientific Reports 8, 17021
- Schreiner, V.C., Szöcs, E., Bhowmik, A.K., Vijver, M.G., Schäfer, R.B., 2016. Pesticide mixtures in streams of several European countries and the USA. Science of The Total Environment 573, 680–689
- Fernández, D., Tummala, M., Schreiner, V.C., Duarte, S., Pascoal, C., Winkelmann, C., Mewes, D., Muñoz, K., Schäfer, R.B., 2016. Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams? Aquatic Toxicology 174, 169–178