Dipl.-Umw. Nikita Bakanov

Publikationen Peer-reviewed
- Brühl, CA.; Engelhard, N.; Bakanov, N.; Wolfram, J.; Hertoge, K.; Zaller, JG. (2024) Widespread contamination of soils and vegetation with current use pesticide residues along altitudinal gradients in a European Alpine valley. COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT, 5 (1). DOI Link
- Peter, M.; Bakanov, N.; Mathgen, X.; Brühl, CA.; Veith, M.; Müller, C. (2024) Multiresidue analysis of bat guano using GC-MS/MS. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 416 (13), 3149-3160. DOI Link
- Köthe, S.; Bakanov, N.; Brühl, CA.; Eichler, L.; Fickel, T.; Gemeinholzer, B.; Hörren, T.; Jurewicz, A.; Lux, A.; Meinel, G.; Mühlethaler, R.; Schäffler, L.; Scherber, C.; Schneider, FD.; Sorg, M.; Swenson, SJ.; Terlau, W.; Turck, A.; Lehmann, GUC. (2023) Recommendations for effective insect conservation in nature protected areas based on a transdisciplinary project in Germany. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EUROPE, 35 (1). DOI Link
- Köthe, S.; Bakanov, N.; Brühl, CA.; Gemeinholzer, B.; Hörren, T.; Mühlethaler, R.; Sorg, M.; Sumser, H.; Swenson, SJ.; Lehmann, GUC. (2023) Negative spill-over effects of agricultural practices on plant species conservation in nature reserves. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 149. DOI Link
- Köthe, S.; Schneider, FD.; Bakanov, N.; Brühl, CA.; Eichler, L.; Fickel, T.; Gemeinholzer, B.; Hörren, T.; Lux, A.; Meinel, G.; Schäffler, L.; Scherber, C.; Sorg, M.; Swenson, SJ.; Terlau, W.; Turck, A.; Zizka, VMA.; Lehmann, GUC.; Mühlethaler, R. (2023) Improving insect conservation management through insect monitoring and stakeholder involvement. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 32 (2), 691-713. DOI Link
- Bakanov, N., Honert, C., Eichler, L., Lehmann, G.U.C., Schulz, R., Brühl, C.A. (2023) A new sample preparation approach for the analysis of 98 current-use pesticides in soil and herbaceous vegetation using HPLC-MS/MS in combination with an acetonitrile-based extraction Chemosphere 331, 138840. DOI Link
- Köthe, Sebastian; Schneider, Florian D.; Bakanov, Nikita; Brühl, Carsten A.; Eichler, Lisa; Fickel, Thomas; Gemeinholzer, Birgit; Hörren, Thomas; Lux, Alexandra; Meinel, Gotthard; Schäffler, Livia; Scherber, Christoph; Sorg, Martin; Swenson, Stephanie J.; Terlau, Wiltrud; Turck, Angela; Zizka, Vera M. A.; Lehmann, Gerlind U. C.; Mühlethaler, Roland (2022) Improving insect conservation management through insect monitoring and stakeholder involvement. In: Biodiversity and Conservation, S. 1–23. DOI Link
- Brühl, Carsten A.; Bakanov, Nikita; Köthe, Sebastian; Eichler, Lisa; Sorg, Martin; Hörren, Thomas; Mühlethaler, Roland; Meinel, Gotthard; Lehmann, Gerlind U. C. (2021) Direct pesticide exposure of insects in nature conservation areas in Germany. In: Scientific reports 11 (1), S. 1–10. DOI Link
- Lehmann, Gerlind U. C.; Bakanov, Nikita; Behnisch, Martin; Bourlat, Sarah J.; Brühl, Carsten A.; Eichler, Lisa; Fickel, Thomas; Geiger, Matthias F.; Gemeinholzer, Birgit; Hörren, Thomas; Köthe, Sebastian; Lux, Alexandra; Meinel, Gotthard; Mühlethaler, Roland; Poglitsch, Hanna; Schäffler, Livia; Schlechtriemen, Ulrich; Schneider, Florian D.; Schulte, Ralf; Sorg, Martin; Sprenger, Maximilian; Swenson, Stephanie J.; Terlau, Wiltrud; Turck, Angela; Zizka, Vera M. A. (2021) Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas (DINA): an interdisciplinary German research project. In: Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (8), S. 2605–2614. DOI Link
- Konschak, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Baudy, P.; Fink, P.; Pietz, S.; Duque Acosta, T. S.; Bakanov, Nikita; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2021) Mixture effects of a fungicide and an antibiotic: Assessment and prediction using a decomposer-detritivore system. In: Aquat Toxicol 232, S. 105762. DOI Link
- Bakanov, N.; Wieczorek, M. V.; Schulz, R. (2020) The role of organic matrices in the fate of hydrophobic pesticides: An outdoor stream mesocosm study. In: Chemosphere 259, S. 127459. DOI Link
- Lüderwald, S.; Meyer, F.; Gerstle, V.; Friedrichs, L.; Rolfing, K.; Schreiner, V. C.; Bakanov, N.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2020) Reduction of pesticide toxicity under field-relevant conditions? The interaction of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, ultraviolet, and natural organic matter. In: Environ Toxicol Chem 39, S. 2237–2246. DOI Link
- Bakanov, N.; Wieczorek, M. V.; Schulz, R. (2019) Retention of plant protection products (PPPs) by aquatic macrophytes in flow-through systems. In: Chemosphere 216, S. 587–594. DOI Link
- Lima-Fernandes, E.; Bundschuh, M.; Bakanov, N.; Englert, D.; Schulz, R.; Schafer, R. B. (2019) Effects of a Systemic Pesticide Along an Aquatic Tri-Trophic Food Chain. In: B Environ Contam Tox 103 (4), S. 507–514. DOI Link
- Wieczorek, M. V.; Bakanov, N.; Bilancia, D.; Szöcs, E.; Stehle, S.; Bundschuh, M.; Schulz, R. (2018) Structural and functional effects of a short-term pyrethroid pulse exposure on invertebrates in outdoor stream mesocosms. In: Sci Total Environ 610-611, S. 810–819. DOI Link
- Englert, D.; Bakanov, N.; Zubrod, J. P.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2017) Modeling re-mobilization of neonicotinoid residues from tree foliage in streams – a relevant exposure pathway for risk assessment? In: Environ Sci Technol 51, S. 1785–1794. DOI Link
- Wieczorek, M. V.; Bakanov, N.; Lagadic, L.; Bruns, E.; Schulz, R. (2017) Response and recovery of the macrophytes Elodea canadensis and Myriophyllum spicatum following a pulse exposure to the herbicide iofensulfuron-sodium in outdoor stream mesocosms. In: Environ Toxicol Chem 36 (4), S. 1090–1100. DOI Link
- Zubrod, J. P.; Bundschuh, R.; Englert, D.; Rohrberg, M.; Wieczorek, M. V.; Bakanov; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2017) Transient effects following peak exposures towards pesticides – an explanation for the unresponsiveness of in situ measured functional variables. In: Environ Pollut 231, S. 1393–1397. DOI Link
- Stang, C.; Bakanov, N.; Schulz, R. (2016) Experiments in water-macrophyte systems to uncover the dynamics of pesticide mitigation processes in vegetated surface waters/streams. In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, S. 673–682. DOI Link
- Wieczorek, M. V.; Bakanov, N.; Stang, C.; Bilancia, D.; Lagadic, L.; Bruns, E.; Schulz, R. (2016) Reference scenarios for exposure to plant protection products and invertebrate communities in stream mesocosms. In: Sci Total Environ 545-546, S. 308–319. DOI Link
- Elsaesser, D.; Stang, C.; Bakanov, N.; Schulz, R. (2013) The Landau Stream Mesocosm Facility: Pesticide mitigation in vegetated flow-through streams. In: B Environ Contam Tox 90 (6), S. 640–645. DOI Link