Carolina Honert - PhD Student


Building L, room 0.10
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau


Tel.: +49 6341 280 31871
E-Mail: carolina.honert (at)


More Information

  • Insect decline
  • Pesticide fate
  • Analytics
  • Agriculture

  • Recording, identification and quantification of the occurrence of pesticides in bulk-collected insect biomass at rural background monitoring stations of the Federal Environment Agency

I finished my bachelor´s studies in “Biology (B.Sc.)” at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2017 with a thesis on "Experimental Studies into function and relative abundance of a splice variant of Abscisic Acid Hypersensitive Response11 of Arabidopsis thaliana“. From 2017 to 2019 I continued my master´s study in “Biology (M.Sc.)” at TUM finishing with a thesis on "Reaction of adult spruces to drought – Gradients of 13C, 18O and the increase along the trunk". 

In my studies I have acquired a broad knowledge about anthropogenic effects, also in the form of pesticides, on insect decline and causal relations to climate change. One of my research projects focused on wild bee distribution, their impact as pollinators as well as their decline. I also worked on the subject of pesticide fate as a student associate at Landesanstalt für Wald- und Forstwirtschaft (LWF). My assignment was a detailed literature research and evaluation on effects of pesticides on non-target organisms with a main emphasis on forest insects and their ecosystem.

In August 2020 I started my PhD in which I investigate the pesticide exposure of insects in the German agricultural landscape.

  • Carolina Honert, Ken Mauser, Ursel Jäger, Carsten A. Brühl. (2025) Exposure of insects to current use pesticide residues in soil and vegetation along spatial and temporal distribution in agricultural sites. Scientific Reports 15, 1817 . DOI Link
  • Bakanov, N., Honert, C., Eichler, L., Lehmann, G.U.C., Schulz, R., Brühl, C.A. (2023) A new sample preparation approach for the analysis of 98 current-use pesticides in soil and herbaceous vegetation using HPLC-MS/MS in combination with an acetonitrile-based extraction Chemosphere 331, 138840. DOI Link
  • Lupp, G.; Förster, B.; Kantelberg, V.; Markmann, T.; Naumann, J.; Honert, C.; Koch, M.; Schreiber, R.; Pauleit, S.(2016) Assessing the Recreation Value of Urban Woodland Using the Ecosystem Service Approach in Two Forests in the Munich Metropolitan Region. In: Sustainability 8, 1156. DOI Link
  • Lupp, G.; Kantelberg, V.; Förster, B.; Naumann, J.; Honert, C.; Schreiber, R.; Pauleit, S.(2016): Vorsicht – Kamera! Besuchermonitoring mit Wildkameras. In: LWF aktuell 111, 14-16. Online verfügbar unter