Dr. Renja Bereswill

More Information

  • Bereswill, Renja; Krichbaum, Kevin; Meller, Michael; Schmidt, Kristina; Brühl, Carsten A.; Uhl, Philipp; Topping, Christopher John (2019) Protection of wild pollinators in the pesticide risk assessment and management: Umweltbundesamt, Online verfügbar unter umweltbundesamt.de

  • Bereswill, R.; Streloke, M.; Schulz, R. (2014) Risk mitigation measures for diffuse pesticide entry into aquatic ecosystems: proposal of a guide to identify appropriate measures on a catchment scale. In: Integr Environ Asses 10 (2), S. 286–298. DOI Link

  • Bereswill, R.; Golla, B.; Streloke, M.; Schulz, R. (2013) Entry and toxicity of organic pesticides and copper in vineyard streams: Erosion rills jeopardise the efficiency of riparian buffer strips (vol 146, pg 81, 2012). In: Agr Ecosyst Environ 172, S. 49–50. DOI Link

  • Bereswill, R.; Streloke, M.; Schulz, R. (2013) Current-use pesticides in stream water and suspended particles following runoff: Exposure, effects, and mitigation requirements. In: Environ Toxicol Chem 32 (6), S. 1254–1263. DOI Link

  • Bereswill, R.; Golla, B.; Streloke, M.; Schulz, R. (2012) Entry and toxicity of organic pesticides and copper in vineyard streams: Erosion rills jeopardise the efficiency of riparian buffer strips. In: Agr Ecosyst Environ 148 (1), S. 81–92. DOI Link
Dipl.-Umw. Nikita Bankanov

Scientific Employee