Dr. Anne Schrimpf
More Information
Molecular ecology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Population genetics
- Conservation biology
Genetisches Monitoring zur Wiederansiedlung des Atlantischen Lachses im Rheingebiet (GeMoLaR); Förderkennzeichen: 2819BM070, Funder: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, more info
Gefährdete Tierarten im grenzüberschreitenden Biosphärenreservat (GBR) Pfälzerwald-Nordvogesen; Förderung: Interreg V Rhin Superieur, Fonds européen de développement régional (Feder). more info and more info
Genetic identification of the crayfish plague agent (Aphanomyces astaci) via real-time PCR more Info
- Genetic analysis of the noble crayfish Astacus astacus: Phylogeographic patterns and identification of autochthonous populations for conservation management plans
- 04/13-present: Researcher at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- 03/13: Doctoral degree at the University Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- 08/09-3/13: PhD Student at the Institute of Environmental Science, University Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- “DNA-based methods for freshwater biodiversity conservation - Phylogeographic analysis of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and new insights into the distribution of crayfish plague“
- “DNA-based methods for freshwater biodiversity conservation - Phylogeographic analysis of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and new insights into the distribution of crayfish plague“
- 05/09-07/09: Research Assistant at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The Netherlands
- 05/09: Diploma (M. Sc.) at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Germany
- 05/08-02/09: Master thesis at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The Netherlands
- “Stopover ecology of a long distance migrant - habitat choice of the Afro-Siberian Red Knot Calidris canutus canutus during northward migration”
- 10/04-5/09 Study of Biology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Germany (Major: Ecology, Minors: Zoology, Geography)
- MaNaKa - Maßnahmenkatalog für erfolgreiche, nachhaltige Besatzmaßnahmen autochthoner Edelkrebspopulationen. more info
- Survey and documentation of the genetic variability of wild populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta), burbot (Lota lota) and noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) from different river basin districts in Germany (more Info)
- Detection of crayfish plague spores in different water systems via real-time PCR (more Info)
- Revision of the species assignment of wrong determined Epipedobates anthonyi and Epipedobates tricolor.
- Schrimpf A, Schmidt T, Schulz R (i2014) Die invasive Wollhandkrabbe überträgt den Krebspesterreger Aphanomyces astaci. forum flusskrebse, 21
- Schrimpf A, Keller M (2014) Krebspestausbruch in Edelkrebszucht. forum flusskrebse, 20: 9-15
- Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2013) Environmental DNA – Etablierung einer Methode zum Krebspestnachweis aus Wasserproben, Teilprojekt Krebsanalysen und Gewässer in Rheinland-Pfalz. Abschlussbericht an die Struktur- und Genehmigungsdirektion Süd, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Deutschland.
- Schrimpf A, Chucholl C, Schmidt T, Schulz R (2013) Crayfish plague agent detected in the “new” invasive North American crayfish Orconectes immunis in Germany. Crayfish News, 35(3-4): 8-9
- Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2013) Neue Erkenntnisse zur Krebspest. Tagungsband Internationale Flusskrebstagung 12. bis 15. September 2013 im Nationalpark Eifel, 71-74
- Schmidt T, Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2013) Edelkrebs, Bachforelle, Quappe und Barbe im Focus der Wissenschaft. Fischwaid, 3: 15-17
- Schmidt T, Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2013) Aktuelle Forschung zur Genetik von Edelkrebs, Bachforelle, Quappe und Barbe. Fischer & Teichwirt, 6: 214
- Schmidt T, Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2013) Edelkrebs, Bachforelle, Quappe und Barbe deutschlandweit. Der Landesfischereiverband informiert. 2: 20-22
- Schrimpf A, Theissinger K, Schulz R (2012) Genetic characterization of Belgian noble crayfish populations (Astacus astacus) Interim report, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Deutschland
- Schrimpf A, Chucholl C, Schmidt T, Schulz R (2012) Krebspesterreger in invasiven nordamerikanischen Kalikokrebsen (Orconectes immunis) im Rheineinzugsgebiet entdeckt. forum flusskrebse, 18
- Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2012) Die Krebspest:
neue Forschungsergebnisse einer altbekannten Seuchenerkrankung bei Flusskrebsen. Fischerei und Gewässer in Rheinland-Pfalz. 2: 22-23
- Schrimpf A, Schulz, R (2012) Die Krebspest:
neue Forschungsergebnisse einer altbekannten Seuchenerkrankung bei Flusskrebsen. Fischwaid. 4: 6-7
- Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2012) Krebspesterreger im Donaudelta – eine potentielle Gefahr für die Biodiversität in Gewässern Südosteuropas! forum flusskrebse, 17: 38-41
- Schrimpf A, Schulz HK, Schulz R (2011) Genetische Diversität des Edelkrebses (Astacus astacus) im regionalen und internationalen Zusammenhang. 5. Internationales Flusskrebsforum 2011. Tagungsband. pp 33-35
- Schrimpf A, Schmidt T, Schulz R (2011) Aktuelle Methoden zum Nachweis des Krebspesterregers und Anwendungsbeispiele. forum flusskrebse, 16: 24-34
- Leyrer J, Brugge M, Dekinga A, Evers A, Schrimpf A, Scheiffarth G, Piersma T (2011) Is there a latitudial gradient in macrozoobenthic community composition in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea? In: Leyrer, J. (2011) Being at the right time at the right place : interpreting the annual life cycle of Afro-Sibirian red knots. PhD Thesis, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- Kees CJ, Schrimpf A, Roumay CD (2009) Herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls as jackdaw predators. Sula 22(1): 37-42
- Pacioglu, O.; Theissinger, K.; Alexa, A.; Samoila, C.; Sirbu, O.-I.; Schrimpf, A.; Schulz, R.; Zubrod, JP.; Pirvu, M.; Lele, S.; Jones, JI.; Parvulescu, L. (2020) Multifaceted implications of the competition between native and invasive crayfish: a glimmer of hope for the native’s long-term survival? In: Biological Invasions 22, S. 827–842. DOI Link
- Wetjen, M.; Schmidt, T.; Schrimpf, A.; Schulz, R. (2020) Genetic diversity and population structure of burbot (Lota lota) in Germany: Implications for conservation and management. In: Fisheries Management and Ecology 27, S. 170–184. DOI Link
- Panteleit, J.; Horvath, T.; Jussila, J.; Makkonen, J.; Perry, W.; Schulz, R.; Theissinger, K.; Schrimpf, A (2019) Invasive rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) populations in North America are infected with the crayfish plague disease agent (Aphanomyces astaci). In: Freshw Sci 38 (2), S. 425–433. DOI Link
- Vogt, G.; Dorn, N. J.; Pfeiffer, M.; Lukhaup, C.; Williams, B. W.; Schulz, R.; Schrimpf, A. (2019) The dimension of biological change caused by autotriploidy: A meta-analysis with the triploid Procambarus virginalis and its diploid parent Procambarus fallax. In: Zoologischer Anzeiger 281, S. 53–67. DOI Link
- Vogt, G.; Lukhaup, C.; Williams, B. W.; Pfeiffer, M.; Dorn, N. J.; Schulz, R.; Schrimpf, A. (2018) Morphological characterization and genotyping of the marbled crayfish and new evidence on its origin. In: Zootaxa 4524, S. 329–350. DOI Link
- Feckler, A.; Schrimpf, A.; Bundschuh, M.; Bärlocher, F.; Baudy, P.; Cornut, J.; Schulz, R. (2017) Quantitative real-time PCR as a promising tool for the detection and quantification of leaf-associated fungal species - a proof-of-concept using Alatospora pulchella. In: Plos One 12, e0174634. DOI Link
- Panteleit, J.; Keller, NS.; Kokko, H.; Jussila, J.; Makkonen, J.; Theissinger, K.; Schrimpf, A. (2017) Investigation of ornamental crayfish reveals new carrier species of the crayfish plague pathogen (Aphanomyces astaci). In: Aquatic Invasions 12(1): 77-83. Online verfügbar unter aquaticinvasions.net
- Schrimpf, A.; Piscione, M.; Cammaerts, R.; Herman, D.; Collas, M.; Jung, A.; Ottburg, F.; Roessink, I.; Rollin, X.; Schulz, R.; Theissinger, K. (2017) Genetic characterization of Western European noble crayfish populations (Astacus astacus) for advanced conservation management strategies. In: Conserv Genet 18 (6), S. 1299–1315. DOI Link
- Chucholl, C.; Schrimpf, A. (2016) The decline of endangered stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium) in southern Germany is related to the spread of invasive alien species and land-use change. In: Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 26(1): 44-56. DOI Link
- Theissinger, K.; Falckenhayn, C.; Blande, D.; Toljamo, A.; Gutekunst, J.; Makkonen, J.; Jussila, J.; Lyko, F.; Schrimpf, A.; Schulz, R.; Kokko, H (2016) De Novo assembly and annotation of the freshwater crayfish Astacus astacus transcriptome. In: Marine Genomics 28, S. 7–10. DOI Link
- Keller, N. K.; Pfeiffer, M.; Roessink, I.; Schulz, R.; Schrimpf, A. (2014) First evidence of crayfish plague agent in established marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax forma virginalis) populations. In: Knowl Manag Aquat Ec 414, S. 2014032. DOI Link
- Maguire, I.; Podnar, M.; Jelić, M.; Štambuk, A.; Schrimpf, A.; Schulz, H.; Klobučar, G. (2014) Two distinct evolutionary lineages of the Astacus leptodactylus species complex (Decapoda: Astacidae) inferred by phylogenetic analyses. In: Invertebrate Systematics. 28(2): 117-123. DOI Link
- Schrimpf, A.; Schmidt, T.; Schulz, R. (2014) Invasive Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) transmits crayfish plague pathogen (Aphanomyces astaci). In: Aquat Invasions 9 (2), S. 203–209. DOI Link
- Schrimpf, A.; Theissinger, K.; Dahlem, J.; Maguire, I.; Pârvulescu, L.; Schulz, H. K.; Schulz, R. (2014) Phylogeography of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) reveals multiple refugia. In: Freshwater Biol 59 (4), S. 761–776. DOI Link
- Schrimpf, A.; Chucholl, C.; Schmidt, T.; Schulz, R. (2013) Crayfish plague agent detected in populations of the invasive North American crayfish Orconectes immunis (Hagen, 1870) in the Rhine River, Germany. In: Aquat Invasions 8 (1), S. 103–109. DOI Link
- Schrimpf, A.; Maiwald, T.; Vrålstad, T.; Schulz, H. K.; Smietána, P.; Schulz, R. (2013) Absence of crayfish plague pathogen (Aphanomyces astaci) facilitates coexistence of European and American crayfish in central Europe. In: Freshwater Biol 58 (6), S. 1116–1125. DOI Link
- Pârvulescu, L.; Schrimpf, A.; Kozubíková, E.; Cabanillas Resino, S.; Vrålstad, T.; Petrusek, A.; Schulz, R. (2012) Invasive crayfish and crayfish plague on the move: First detection of the plague agent Aphanomyces astaci in the Romanian Danube. In: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 98 (1), S. 85–94. DOI Link
- Schrimpf, A.; Pârvulescu, L.; Copilas-Ciocianu, D.; Petrusek, A.; Schulz, R. (2012) Crayfish plague pathogen detected in the Danube Delta – a potential threat to freshwater biodiversity in southeastern Europe. In: Aquat Invasions 7 (4), S. 503–510. DOI Link
- Schrimpf, A.; Schulz, H. K.; Theissinger, K.; Pârvulescu, L.; Schulz, R. (2011) First large-scale genetic analysis of the vulnerable noble crayfish Astacus astacus reveals extremely low haplotype diversity of Central European populations. In: Knowl Manag Aquat Ec 401 (35), 10.1051/kmae/2011065. DOI Link
Schrimpf A (2019) Krebspest – Hintergrund und Aktuelles. 9th International Meeting of the Forum Flusskrebs, Schleswig, Germany
Schrimpf A (2019) Edelkrebse in Schleswig-Holstein – die Exoten der gefährdeten Art. 9th International Meeting of the Forum Flusskrebs, Schleswig, Germany
- Schrimpf A (2015) Aktuelles zur Krebspestforschung. 7th International Meeting of the Forum Flusskrebs, Möllbrücke, Austria
- Schrimpf A, Hefti D, Jean-Richard P, Roblick D, Veidt A, Schulz R (2013) Prevalence of the crayfish plague pathogen (Aphanomyces astaci) in Swizerland. Presentation at the Regional European Crayfish meeting, Rovinj, Croatia
- Schrimpf A, Piscione M, Cammaerts R, Herman D, Collas M, Jung A, Ottburg F, Roessink I, Rollin X, Schulz R, Theissinger K (2013) Genetic characterization of western European noble crayfish populations (Astacus astacus) for conservation management. Regional European Crayfish meeting, Rovinj, Croatia
- Schrimpf A, Schulz R (2013) Die Krebspest – neuste Forschungsergebnisse zur Seuchenerkrankung von Flusskrebsen in Fließgewässern. 17. Betreuertagung der Gemeinnützigen Fortbildungsgesellschaft für Wasserwirtschaft und Landschaftsentwicklung (GFG), Wiesbaden, Germany
- Schrimpf A (2015) Die Krebspest – neuste Forschungsergebnisse zur Seuchenerkrankung von Flusskrebsen, 6th International Meeting of the Forum Flusskrebs, Schleiden-Gemünd, Germany
- Schrimpf A, Maiwald T, Vrålstad T, Schulz HK, Smietána P, Schulz R (2012) Absence of the crayfish plague agent may explain coexisting populations of European and American crayfish in central Europe. International Association of Astacology (IAA). 19th Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria
- Schrimpf A, Pârvulescu L, Copila-Ciocianu D, Petrusek A, Schulz R (2012) Crayfish plague pathogen detected in the Danube Delta – a potential threat to freshwater biodiversity in southeastern Europe. International Association of Astacology (IAA). 19th Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria
- Piscione M, Schrimpf A, Theissinger K, Rollin X, Cammaerts R, Herman D, Schulz R (2012) Genetic characterization of Belgian noble crayfish populations (Astacus astacus). International Association of Astacology (IAA). 19th Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria
- Schrimpf A, Maguire I, Pârvulescu L, Schulz HK, Schulz R, Theissinger K (2012b) First large-scale genetic analysis of the vulnerable noble crayfish Astacus astacus in Europe International Association of Astacology (IAA). 19th Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria
- Schrimpf A, Schulz HK, Schulz R (2011) Genetische Diversität des Edelkrebses (Astacua astacus) im regionalen und internationalen Zusammenhang 5. Internationale Flusskrebstagung, Schaffhausen, Swizerland
- Schrimpf A, Schulz HK, Polivka R, Dümpelmann C, Schulz R (2010) Conservation of autochthonous noble crayfish stocks. Student Conference on Conservation Science – New York (SCCS-NY), New York, USA
- Schrimpf A, Schulz HK, Polivka R, Dümpelmann C, Schulz R (2010) Phylogeographical patterns of the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). European Crayfish: food, flagships and ecosystem services, Poitiers, France
- Schrimpf A, Schulz, HK Polivka, R, Dümpelmann C, Schulz R (2009) Phylogeographic patterns of the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and recommendations for a regional conservation project in Hessen, Germany. Gesellschaft für Ökologie. 40th Anniversary Meeting, Giessen, Germany
- Schrimpf A, Leyrer J, Brugge M, Dekinga A, Evers A, Piersma T. (2009) Rastplatzökologie eines Langstreckenziehers – Habitatnutzung des afro-sibirischen Knutts Calidris canutus canutus im Schleswig-Holsteinischen Wattenmeer zur Zeit des Frühjahrszuges. 142. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft Pörtschach, Austria
- Schrimpf A, Leyrer J, Brugge M, Dekinga A, Evers A, Piersma T (2009) Habitat choice of Afro-Siberian Red Knots (Calidris canutus canutus) in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea during northward migration. Annual Wader Study Group Conference 2009, Texel, The Netherlands
- Schrimpf A, Schulz HK, Polivka R, Dümpelmann C (2009) Identification and restoration of autochthonous noble crayfish stocks (Astacus astacus) in Hesse, Germany: a regional conservation project linking science and management. Regional European Crayfish Workshop: Future of Native Crayfish in Europe, Písek, Czech Republic.
- ERASMUS coordinator for the Dept. of Biology and Chemistry at the West University of Timisoara, Romania.
- ERASMUS coordinator for the Faculty of Science University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Member of the board of forum flusskrebse e.V.