Dipl. Marco Konschak

More Information

  • Bollinger, E., Zubrod, J.P., Konschak, M., Schulz, R., Bundschuh, M. (2023) Tracer or toxicant: Does stable isotope labeling affect central processes in aquatic food webs? Aquatic Toxicology 259, 106542, DOI Link

  • Bollinger, E.; Zubrod, J. P.; Konschak, M.; Sulzer, L.; Schnurr, J.; Schreiner, V.; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2022) As above, so below? Effects of fungicides on microbial organic matter decomposition are stronger in the hyporheic than in the benthic zone. In: Limnology and Oceanography 67, S. 39–52. DOI Link

  • Baudy, P.; Zubrod, J. P.; Konschak, M.; Röder, N.; Nguyen, T. H.; Schreiner, V.; Baschien, Christiane; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2021) Environmentally relevant fungicide levels modify fungal community composition and interactions but not functioning. In: Environ Pollut 285, S. 117234. DOI Link

  • Baudy, P.; Zubrod, J. P.; Konschak, M.; Kolbenschlag, S.; Pollitt, A.; Baschien, C.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2021) Fungal-fungal and fungal-bacterial interactions in aquatic decomposer communities: bacteria promote fungal diversity. In: Ecology 102, e03471. DOI Link

  • Bundschuh, Mirco; Zubrod, Jochen P.; Wernicke, Theo; Konschak, Marco; Werner, Leon; Brühl, Carsten A.; Baudy, Patrick; Schulz, Ralf (2021) Bottom-up effects of fungicides on tadpoles of the European common frog (Rana temporaria). In: Ecology and evolution 11 (9), S. 4353–4365. DOI Link

  • Bundschuh, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Konschak, M.; Baudy, P.; Frombold, B.; Schulz, R. (2021) Photoactive titanium dioxide nanoparticles modify heterotrophic microbial functioning. In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, S. 49550–49558. DOI Link

  • Konschak, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Baudy, P.; Fink, P.; Kenngott, K.G.J.; Englert, D.; Röder, N.; Ogbeide, C.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2021) Chronic effects of the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin in the leaf shredder Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea; Amphipoda) via two effect pathways. In: Ecotox Environ Safe 208, S. 1118484. DOI Link

  • Konschak, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Duque Acosta, T. S.; Bouchez, A.; Kroll, A.; Feckler, A.; Röder, Nina; Baudy, Patrick; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2021) Herbicide-induced shifts in the periphyton community composition indirectly affect feeding activity and physiology of the gastropod grazer Physella acuta. In: Environ Sci Technol 55, S. 14699–14709. DOI Link

  • Konschak, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Baudy, P.; Fink, P.; Pietz, S.; Duque Acosta, T. S.; Bakanov, Nikita; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2021) Mixture effects of a fungicide and an antibiotic: Assessment and prediction using a decomposer-detritivore system. In: Aquat Toxicol 232, S. 105762. DOI Link

  • Baudy, P.; Konschak, M.; Sakpal, H.; Baschien, C.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M.; Zubrod, J. P. (2020) The fungicide tebuconazole confounds concentrations of molecular biomarkers estimating fungal biomass. In: B Environ Contam Tox 105, S. 620–625. DOI Link

  • Konschak, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Baudy, P.; Fink, P.; Kengott, K.; Lüderwald, S.; Englert, Katja; Jusi, Cynthia; Schulz, Ralf; undschuh, Mirco (2020) The importance of diet-related effects of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin on the leaf-shredding invertebrate Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea; Amphipoda). In: Aquat Toxicol 222, S. 105461. DOI Link

  • Konschak, M.; Zubrod, J. P.; Baudy, P.; Englert, D.; Herrmann, B.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2019) Waterborne and diet-related effects of inorganic and organic fungicides on the insect shredder Chaetopteryx villosa (Trichoptera). In: Aquat Toxicol 206, S. 33–42. DOI Link

  • Feckler, A.; Goedkoop, W.; Konschak, M.; Bundschuh, R.; Kenngott, K.G.J.; Schulz, R.; Zubrod, Jochen P.; Bundschuh, Mirco (2018) History matters: Heterotrophic microbial community structure and function adapt to multiple stressors. In: Global Change Biology 24 (2), e402-e415. DOI Link

  • Newton, K.; Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Lüderwald, S.; Schell, T.; Baudy, P.; Konschak, Marco; Feckler, Alexander; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2018) The evil within? Systemic fungicide application in trees enhances litter quality for an aquatic decomposer-detritivore system. In: Environ Pollut 241, S. 549–556. DOI Link

  • Baudy, P.; Zubrod, J. P.; Konschak, M.; Weil, M.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2017) Does long-term fungicide exposure affect the reproductive performance of leaf-shredders? A partial life-cycle study using Hyalella azteca. In: Environ Pollut 222, S. 458–464. DOI Link

  • Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Wolfram, J.; Rosenfeldt, R. R.; Feckler, A.; Bundschuh, Seitz, F.; Konschak, M.; Baudy, P.; Lüderwald, S.; Fink, P.; Lorke, A.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2017) Long-term effects of fungicides on leaf-associated microorganisms and shredder populations – an artificial stream study. In: Environ Toxicol Chem 36, S. 2178–2189. DOI Link

  • Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Wolfram, J.; Wallace, D.; Schnetzer, N.; Baudy, P.; Konschak, M.; Schulz, R.; Bundschuh, M. (2015) Waterborne toxicity and diet-related effects of fungicides in the key leaf shredder Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda). In: Aquat Toxicol 169, S. 105–112. DOI Link

  • Zubrod, J. P.; Englert, D.; Feckler, A.; Koksharova, N.; Konschak, M.; Bundschuh, R.; Schnetzer, Nadja; Englert, Katja; Schulz, Ralf; Bundschuh, Mirco (2015) Does the current fungicide risk assessment provide sufficient protection for key drivers in aquatic ecosystem functioning? In: Environ Sci Technol 49, S. 1173–1181. DOI Link