Thomas Löffler
Research Interest
- Aquatic ecosystems
- Ecosystem services
- Ecologic sustainability
- Impact of anthropologic stressors on the environment
- Self-purification and regeneration processes
Self-purification of freshwater streams, ECOSERV project, sub project Water an Climate regulations
Personal Information
After completion of my diploma thesis on the “visual acuity of European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.)” and the studies on marine biology at the University of Rostock, I continued working there as a research assistant at the department for sensory and cognitive ecology, for another year in the area of science and teaching. Afterwards I changed to the Institute for Applied Ecosystem Research in Rostock and worked as a scientific employee, first in the area of benthic organisms and the last 5 years as an ornithologist mainly on marine birds and environmental impact assessment. Since the end of 2018 I am working at the University of Landau on the topic of environmental services and here by I am focusing on the self-purification capacities of freshwater streams.
2018 - 2023: Scientific staff / PhD student at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
2012 - 2018: Scientific staff at the Institute for Applied Ecosystem Research, Rostock
2011 - 2012: Research assistant, department for sensory and cognitive ecology, University Rostock
2011: Diploma thesis on the “visual acuity of European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.)”, University Rostock