Tamiris Rosso Storck


Fortstr. 7
Building: C1, Room: 101d, Floor: 1. upper floor
76829 Landau

PhD Student

Research Interest

  • Aquatic ecotoxicology
  • Bioindicators and biomarkers
  • Environmental contaminants

Current Project:

Biomonitoring of emerging contaminants in an international river in southern Brazil: An integrated approach to water quality and aquatic organisms.

Major research goals:

  • Assessing the occurrence of microplastics, metals, medicines, hormones and pesticides in the Uruguay River water.
  • Checking the occurrence of pesticides in river sediments.
  • Verifying the biochemical biomarker responses in neotropical fish Astyanax sp collected in situ.
  • Checking the bioaccumulation of pesticides in fish muscle.
  • Evaluating changes in water quality and fish biomarkers according to seasonality.
  • Determining the effects of exposure to contaminants detected in the Uruguay River and their mixtures on primary aquatic consumer Daphnia magna.


This project is funded by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) – Brazil


Personal Information

See ResearchGate:

Tamiris Rosso Storck
