Dr. Sebastian Pietz
Research Interest
- Environmental risk assessment
- (Anthropogenic) stressors in aquatic systems
- Interactions between neighboring ecosystems
- Fatty acid analysis
- PAPILLONS (https://www.papillons-h2020.eu/)
- Environmental risk assessment of contaminants
- SystemLink (https://systemlink.uni-landau.de/)
Personal Information
- Postdoctoral Researcher at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (formerly University of Koblenz-Landau), Landau, Germany (2023 – present)
- Doctoral Researcher at iES Landau within the SystemLink Research Training Group (2360, DFG), RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (formerly University of Koblenz-Landau), Landau, Germany (2019 – 2023)
- M. Sc. Ecotoxicology at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (formerly University of Koblenz-Landau), Landau, Germany (2016 – 2019)
Thesis: Effects of heavy metals and temperature fluctuation on the development and emergence of Chironomus riparius in spiked-sediment bioassays
- B. Sc. Environmental Sciences at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (formerly University of Koblenz-Landau), Landau, Germany (2012 – 2016)
Thesis: Implications of Thiacloprid on Gammarus fossarum: a 21-day study to determine the relevance of different exposure pathways
Platform presentations:
1) 8th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 2019
“Effects of an antimicrobial mixture on the leaf-shredding amphipod Gammarus fossarum uder different exposure pathways”
2) SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, SETAC SciCon, 2020
“Transcending borders? Effects of heavy metals on the development and emergence of Chironomus riparius in spiked-sediment bioassays”