Sara Kolbenschlag

Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh


Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau

Former PhD Student

Research Interests

  • anthropogenic stressors in aquatic ecosystems
  • riparian food web ecology
  • aquatic-terrestrial linkages
  • dynamics of subsidy
  • insect communities

Former Project:

Subsidy dynamics – Anthropogenic changes in the water-to-land transition zones modify the quality and temporal availability of aquatic subsidy for terrestrial predators

More information: here

Personal Information

See ResearchGate:

Sara Kolbenschlag



  •  2019 - 2023: PhD student at the iES Landau & SystemLink (DFG), RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
  •  2016 - 2019: M. Sc. (Ecotoxicology) at the iES Landau, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (former: University Koblenz-Landau)

Master thesis: "Do juvenile common toads (Bufo bufo) behaviourally avoid pesticide-contaminated areas?"

  • 2016  Research assistant, Department of Cellular Biochemistry, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • 2012 - 2016: B. Sc. (Biosciences), Department of Cellular Biochemistry, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Bachelor thesis: "Effects of respiratory chain mutations on petit- and ρ0-cells in Saccharomyces cerevisiae"