Sara Goncalves

Prof. Dr. Mirco Bundschuh


Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau

Former PhD Student

Research Interest

My main research goal is understanding the responses of organisms, especially freshwater organisms to different stresses. During the master’s degree my research was focused on understanding the effect of different metals on the metabolism of freshwater diatom cells. Now as a PhD candidate, I am working with leaf-associated microbial communities in streams. My project aims at assessing the stress tolerance of these communities from either pristine environments or aquatic systems receiving wastewater treatment plant effluents or vineyard runoff by exposing them towards increasing levels of nutrients and fungicides. Moreover, we aim at underlying the mechanisms by linking the community responses to traits (enzymatic inventory and nutritious quality) and to the effects in the heterotrophic food webs and the functioning of aquatic ecosystems.

Project: BIO2FUN

The relevance of the BIOdiversity TO FUNction relationship in heterotrophic aquatic systems under stress (BIO2FUN)

BIO2FUN aims at understanding which traits of individual aquatic hyphomycete species of pristine or stress adapted communities determine their contribution to the two functions this group of aquatic fungi provides: decomposition of leaf material and the nutritious quality of leaves for leaf shredding organisms.

Personal information

See ResearchGate:

Sara Goncalves


  • 2011-2015 Bsc Biology. Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • 2014/2015 Erasmus+ internship INRA – Carrtel Thonon, France

  • 2015-2017 Msc Cell and Molecular biology University of Aveiro, Portugal

  • 2016 – Research assistant, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU Uppsala, Sweden

  • 2016/2017 Erasmus+ internship, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU Uppsala, Sweden

  • 2019-2024 PhD student at the iES Landau, Institute of Environmental Sciences, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (former: University of Koblenz-Landau), Germany