Hajar Bourassi


Fortstr. 7
Building: CI, Room: 0.04
76829 Landau

PhD Student

Research interest:

  • Aquatic Ecotoxicology
  • Anthropogenic stressors and their impact on communities and their functioning in aquatic ecosystems
  • Development of methods for environmental risk assessment


A proactive city without biocides (Interreg-Project 2023-2027)

How do Biocides and their metabolites affect microorganism communities and their functions in the aquatic ecosystems? Special focus on the underrepresented group of fungi.

  • Develop a standardised ecotoxicological testing system to assess the effects of biocides on fungi.
  • Ecotoxicological ranking of the currently used biocides.
  • Assess the impact of selected biocides on complex fungi communities on the field.

Personal information

See ResearchGate: Hajar Bourassi

July 2013- B.Sc. Ecology and Environment. University of Oujda, Morocco

July 2015- M.Sc. in Marine Ecology. University of Casablanca, Morocco

April 2016 – June 2021. Scientific assistant. UniversityRabat, Morocco

September 2019 – Jully 2020. Internship in Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Bremerhaven, Germany. DAAD scholarship. Working Group of "Chemical Trace Analysis". Analysis of heavy metals and PAH metabolites in fish from the Moroccan coast - CoFishMap Project.

From October 2022 - Ecotoxicology Master student, RPTU Landau