Frederik Meyer


Fortstr. 7
Building: C1, Room: 101d, Floor: 1. OG
76829 Landau

PhD Student

Research Interest

  • Aquatic Ecotoxicology
  • Anthropogenic impacts on aquatic food webs
  • Development of methods for environmental risk assessment

Current Project:

Effects of antimicrobial compounds on Aquatic Communities via bottom-up Regulation


Personal Information

See ResearchGate:

Frederik Meyer



Since 2021  PhD student at the iES Landau, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (fomer: University Koblenz-Landau)

Since 2021  Member of the Student Advisory Council (SAC Europe) of SETAC

2019 -2022  Project collaboration with Umweltbundesamt (German Environmental Protection Agency) Dessau to develop standardized multigenerational Daphnia magna tests: "What works for a long time: Alternative endpoints to protect future generations"

2021   Master thesis: “Multigenerational effects of pseudo persistent pharmaceuticals”

2019  Research Assistant at the research group “Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology” headed by Prof. Dr. Bundschuh at iES Landau, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (former: University of Koblenz Landau)

2018  Internship at Bayer AG in the Bayer Crop Science Headquarter Monheim at the department of “Experimental Unit Aquatic”

2018 -2021  M. Sc. (Ecotoxicology) at the iES Landau, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (former: University Koblenz-Landau)

2018   Bachelor thesis: “Nanoparticulate titanium dioxide, UV and natural organic material affect the toxicity of pesticides to Daphnia magna.”

2017   Erasmus+ Internship in Sweden at Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Umeå University: “Effects of environmentally relevant levels of pollen medicine on the lower trophic levels of pond ecosystems”

Meyer F, Lüderwald S, Friedrichs L, Bundschuh M (2017): Impact of UV light, natural organic matter and nanoparticulate titanium dioxide on the toxicity of Dimethoate towards Daphnia magna. 6th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden (Platform presentation).

Lüderwald S, Meyer F, Gerstle V, Friedrichs L, Rolfing K, Bakanov N, Schulz R, Bundschuh M (2019): Reduction of pesticide toxicity under field relevant conditions? The interaction of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, UV, and NOM. Publication in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Meyer F, Kühnen U, von Ohe P, Schneider P, Lüderwald S, Schulz R, Bundschuh M. (2019): Sind Toxizitätstests über multiple Generationen eine sinnvolle Ergänzung? Ein Vorstoß mit Daphnia magna. 24. Jahrestagung SETAC GLB, Landau, Deutschland (Poster presentation).

Meyer F, Kühnen U, von Ohe P, Schneider P, Lüderwald S, Xia H, Schulz R, Bundschuh M. (2019): It runs the family: Extensions of standard chronic toxicity testing over multiple generations. 40th Annual SETAC North America Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Poster presentation).

Meyer F, Kühnen U, von Ohe P, Schneider P, Lüderwald S, Schulz R, Bundschuh M. (2020): How far does the apple fall from the trunk? An approach for a standardized multigenerational toxicity testing with Daphnia magna. 30th Annual SETAC Europe Meeting – SETAC SciCon, Dublin, Ireland.

Meyer F, Nguyen T H, Kühnen U, von Ohe P and Bundschuh M. (2022): It stays in the family - Multigenerational approach for testing long-term effects of pharmaceuticals. 32th Annual SETAC Europe Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark (poster presentation).