Research Seminar Applied Mathematics


In the Research Seminar on Applied Mathematics, current specialized mathematical research projects from the Institute of Mathematics are regularly presented and discussed. The Applied Mathematics Research Seminar takes place in the Mathematics Lab "Mathe ist mehr" I 1.07 or in the Mathematical Umweltlabor I 0.07.


Winter 2022/23

Tue 10.1.2023, 14-16, mathematisches Umweltlabor

Lecturer (AG Mathematische Modellbildung) : Svenja Müller.
Topic: "Transport processes of microplastics in the oceans - aspects of risk literacy".

Tue 20.12.2022, 14-16, Mathe Labor "Mathe ist Mehr"

Lecturer (AG Numerische Simulation): Birte Klug / Anna  Hundertmark
Topic: "Numerical stability in convection-dominated processes. Why up-wind and what is the role of diffusion ?"

Tue 13.12.2022, 14-16, Mathe Labor "Mathe ist Mehr"
Lecturer (AG Numerische Simulation): Kevin Richter
Thema: "Numerische Simulationen in der Schlaganfallprävention - Ein Workflow bis zum Datenexport realistischer Patientendaten Teil II"

 Tue 6.12.2022, 14-16, Mathe Labor "Mathe ist Mehr"

Vortragender (AG Numerische Simulation): Kevin Richter
Topic: "Numerical simulations in stroke prevention - A workflow to data export of realistic patient data part I".