Dr. Heide Stein
Research Interests
- Applied ground and drinking water ecology
- Bioindication of aquatic invertebrates
- Development and establishment of methods for ecological assessment of drinking and ground waters
- Ecology of springs, streams and the hyporheic zone
- Surface water-groundwater interactions
- Colmation
Current projects
- Data analyses and presentations for various projects in the field of groundwater ecology and drinking water supply (e.g. Thermostress, BioTGW, Badenova, GW monitoring programs)
- Taxonomic identification of groundwater animals
Acadamic background
- Since 2012 research associate at the AG Molekulare Ökologie in the field of groundwater ecology and the Institute of Groundwater Ecology IGOE GmbH).
- Dissertation 2012 "Biological assessment of groundwater ecosystems".
- PhD 2006-2012 at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau on the topic: "Ecological - faunistic studies for typing and assessment of groundwater ecosystems".
- Biology studies 1998-2005 at the Leibniz University Hannover
Stein, H., Thomas, K., Schindler, H., Trapp, M., Hahn, H.J. (2021) Catchment-based, geodata-based, ecological analyses of streambed colmation: basis for an innovative solution concept and the development of adapted proposed measures. Final report, The German Federal Environmental Foundation. AZ 34435/01-03
Stein H., Näschen C., Schindler H., Zumbroich T. & Hahn H. J. (2018b): Does streambed colmation prevent the achievement of the good ecological status in streams? Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 11(12). 753-758.
Stein H., Thurmann C., Schindler H., Zumbroich T. & Hahn H. J. (2018a): Comparative ecological studies on the quantitative determination of the colmation of stream sediments using the Kolmameter with proposals for a method statement. Final report, The German Federal Environmental Foundation. AZ 33590/01 - 33/2.
Griebler, C., H. Stein, C. Kellermann, H. Brielmann, S. E. Berkhoff, C. Steube, A. Fuchs & H. J. Hahn (2014) Development of biological assessment methods and criteria for groundwater ecosystems. Final Report. Federal Environment Agency No FKZ 3708 23 200, Dessau.
Schmidt, S.I., H.Stein & H. J. Hahn (2013) Ökologische Bewertung des Grundwassers: „Stygoregionen” als biogeographische Referenzen für den Lebensraum Grundwasser. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 6 (7): 7-10.
Stein, H., C. Griebler, S. E. Berkhoff, D. Matzke, A. Fuchs & H. J. Hahn (2012) Stygoregions – a promising approach to a bioregional classification of groundwater systems. Nature Scientific Reports 2: 673.
Griebler, C., H.Stein, C. Kellermann, S. E. Berkhoff, H. Brielmann, S. I. Schmidt, D. Selezi, C. Steube, A. Fuchs & H. J. Hahn (2010) Ecological assessment of groundwater ecosystems – Vision or illusion? Ecological Engineering 36: 1174-1190.
Stein, H., C. Kellermann, S. I. Schmidt, H. Brielmann, C. Steube, S. E. Berkhoff, A. Fuchs, H. J. Hahn, B. Thulin & C. Griebler (2010) The potential use of fauna and bacteria as ecological indicators for the assessment of groundwater quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 12: 242-254.
Stein, H., M. Springer & B. Kohlmann (2008) Comparison of two sampling methods for biomonitoring using aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Dos Novillos River, Costa Rica. Ecological Engineering, 34(4): 267-275.